Chapter 11

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Authors Note:

Don't worry! I haven't ditched my story! I've just been very addicted to this game called habboon. Its like habbo, but you don't pay. *Digs into draw to find notebook containing story notes* as you can tell, I haven't used that notebook in ages, which means I haven't updated in ages, so yeah, sorry, the next few chapters will be like calm and then big things happen then its calm again etc etc so its like a pattern. Enjoy! Also I hope you haven't given up waiting please tell me you haven't!

-laura xx


Steph's POV:

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Steph, happy birthday to you." My flatmate Ronnie sang as she opened the living room curtains.

I was vlogging all this as I set my camera down on the table against a book. My presents were all perfectly lined in front of me, with a pile of cards next to the first one.

"I carefully unwrapped the pink shimmery paper to reveal Ronnie's present, a ted baker handbag I had been wanting for ages. "Oh my gosh Ronnie I love you so much you're the bestest friend ever!"

She laughed as she said,

"Open this one next!" Pointing to the large box with ribbon around it.

"I think I know which this one is" I informed.

Shaking the box carefully, I would try and see if I was right. And I was. It was a lush bath bomb set that included all my favourites: candy mountain, space girl, think pink and many more!

I had opened all the cards and presents from people in just under half an hour when I heard Tyler's special knock at the door.


Tyler's POV:

Ok so yesterday I bought Stephie's birthday present, and I went to the apartment where the boys and I were staying down the road from Steph. This morning I got woken up by Eldon who was hoovering the place because he thought it was 'unclean.'

"Dude what are you doing I'm trying to sleep." I said as he hoovered under my bed.

"Sorry I can't hear you you might have to speak up a bit." He replied.

"DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!" I shouted over the noise of the hoover.

He immediately turned it off and apologised.

"I need to go and see the Summer bitch today." I explained.

"Good luck mate, she aint happy."

"I know, I hope she doesnt take revenge."

"Wouldn't be surprised mate, its Stephs birthday init today mate? Can you wish her happy birthday for me mate?"

"Sure, whats with saying 'mate' all the time?"

"Dunno, wanted to try something new. Aren't you going over there then mate?"

"OH SHIT look at the time I better rush." I said as I hopped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to do my hair.


Steph's POV:

I opened the door to see Tyler with a beanie on his head and a rose and a beautifully wrapped present in his hands.

I gestured for him to come in and sit down and he did so.

"Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend." He smiled and handed the present to me.

It was a box shape, which when I shook it It sounded like 2 objects inside.

I tore the paper off because I was even more excited this time, and inside was the new neon freaks album.

"Yes yes yes I love this so much I'm gunna put it on itunes in a minute."

"Would you like me to do it for you." He smirked.

"Yeah sure." I said as I passed him my macbook.

"The other box was wrapped again, so I tore that paper off too."


"I wanted to."

It was the newest iPad in the apple store, and he had put a glamorous pink case in the wrapping paper too.

"I love it so much. Thankyou for my presents ." I said as I kissed him.

"So have you been to see Summer then?"

"No not yet. I'll do it later."

"You can do it now if you want, I'll finish downloading the album."

"Alright babe see you soon." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.


Tyler's POV:

I am glad Steph really liked her presents. Some of you may be thinking, if you forgot to get her present and got her the album last minute, how come you got her an iPad? It was purchased on the way, actually. I thought the CD wasn't special enough, so I needed to get her something more.

I hopped into the car outside the block of flats and turned the key in the ignition. I put my foot hard on the pedal and down the road to Summer's house.


There was no car in the driveway when I got there, which confused me because surely she would have been in. I slammed my car door and walked slowly to the front door, car keys in my hands. I lightly knocked because her bell didn't work and she hadn't have found a replacement yet.

The door opened a few minutes later and there stood Summer, along with her dog barking in the doorway. I patted its head and saw its name tag, Buster.

"Hey there Buster!" I said.

"Dog's can't talk, stupid."

"Hey I just came here to tell you that-"

"Woah woah woah mister, you cheated on me remember, that means I talk first."

"Wait but-"

"Its my house which means its my rules, or you can get the fuck out before I-"

"You're dumped." I interrupted.

"I was meant to dump you not the other way round."

"Yeah but you weren't a great girlfriend anyway." I admitted, staring at the concrete beneath me. Some fans had just noticed me across the road so I had to take a few selfies.

"Aaaanyway so were not friends anymore either. The paps don't need to follow you around anymore." I explained.

"Well I don't care, I have an amazing future and I'm not letting you ruin it." She said, flicking her long brunette hair behind her shoulders.


Authors Note:

Ya sorry if its a bit short and boring but ive updated so be grateful lmao. K bye. Ly readers keep reading and shit ok bye im weird. I'm* is what I meant. My grammar must be terrible ops.

<3 xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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