Chapter 3 - He isn't the father?

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"So you're telling me that Beau isn't the father?" this is brilliant. Note the sarcasm.

"No. It's his best friend Daniel!" she cries again.

"You slag." I can be rather blunt.

"It just sort of happened Charlotte! Don't be so judgemental."

"Me be judgemental!? Oh that's rich coming from someone like you." I spit, my hands begin shaking with anger. I absolutely hate her sometimes.

"Oi! What on earth is going on in here?" my dad asks walking in looking concerned.

"Little miss perfect is banged up." I say squeezing past him going back to my room. I shut my door and block everyone out. Especially as my dad has started shouting but hey, I'm not the pregnant one at 17. Not judging anyone who this applies to, just Carly.

Ew. I'm going to be Auntie Charlie. Thanks Carly..

Me: Hey, fancy going out for a bit?x

Ella: Yeah sure, where too?x

Me: Anywhere but my house x

Ella: We could go over Jais? He said you're always welcome:)x

Me: Omg yes please, I'll tell you what's happened later x

Ella: We'll pick you up in 10 x

Me: See you then, I'll wait outside x

Ella: Byeeee x

I put my phone in my pocket grabbing a jacket then heading past my parents talking to Carly. As per usual they're so drawn into her bullshit they don't even notice me. I prefer it that way.

I stand outside and it's pretty cold but I don't care. A car rounds the corner and pulls up in front of me. The windows are blacked out so I stand debating whether or not it's Ella and Jai.

The window winds down and my best friends beaming face appears. I smile back jogging towards the car. I climb into the back to find Jai also sat in the back as well as the front. My mouth drops as I move my head back and forth studying the clone and real Jai.

"Hey." the one next to me says.

"Uh, hi."

"I'm Luke, Jai's twin." he reaches his hand out. Oh that makes sense! I shake his hand gently.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Charlie. Hi Jai!" I greet poking him in the shoulder.

"What's up Charl. What was so urgent we had to pick Ella and you up? You are so anti-social I almost had a heart attack when Ella said you were coming!"

"Don't ask, I'll tell you when we get to yours. Can we stop somewhere like McDonalds, I'm so hungry, it all kicked off so I couldn't eat."

"Sure thing, it's all on me." Jai smiles to himself.

"What? There's food all on you?" I ask leaning forward to look which sends everyone into fits of laughter. I pout sitting back normally.


We get back to Luke and Jai's with our McDonalds, they take me and Ella straight up to their room knowing I hate conversations, especially with adults. We walk past another bedroom which has a door wide open and I notice Beau sprawled across the bed. He doesn't look up but stays glued to his phone.

"Beau is your brother?" I whisper to Luke as we walk into their room.

"Yep. Older by a year, he never lets us forget."

"Aw right, ha. I'm younger than my sister by like 5 minutes and she holds it against me." I frown.

"So what were you going to tell us!" Ella changes the subject sitting down.

"N-no, it doesn't matter now."

"Go on!" she urges.

"I can't say, they might tell their brother."

"Swear down we won't." they both say in unison.

"My sister is pregnant..And Beau isn't the father." I whisper to them all.

"Are you being serious?" Luke asks, his mouth hanging open.

"Please don't say anything, she'll make my life hell!" I beg.

"We won't. You should blackmail her though." Jai adds.

"Do you reckon?" I smirk. These boys are great. Thank you Ella for having a fabulous boyfriend.

"Yeah! We'll help you. Plus we can't stand her. No offence."

"Neither can I. Please continue."

"Well she'll carry on as normal until the bump starts showing and then she'll drop out of school, that's when she'll make you run around after her but you can refuse by threatening to tell everyone the truth."

"You two are evil but smart. Thanks." I grin digging into my McDonalds.


After spending hours talking about random things I glance at the time. Midnight. Well shit.

"I had better head off." I yawn slowly getting up.

"Are you going to be okay walking? I'm far too tired." Luke half smiles looking guilty. Jai fell asleep like half an hour ago so he can't drive me.

"I'll be fine." I reply sweetly as he walks me to the door. "I'll probably see you soon."

"Bye Charlie." once I get onto the pavement he closes the door leaving me completely alone. It'll take me a good half an hour to walk home so this'll be horrible.

"Charlie?" a low voice calls making me jump. I turn around and see Beau walking towards me. Thank god it's him.

"Hey, can I help you?" I ask awkwardly. Why is he here?

"I'm gonna walk you home, your sister has been nagging to see me anyway."


"So what made you decide to hang around with my brothers?" he asks curiously.

"Family drama and Ella, Jai's girlfriend is my best friend." I explain.

"Oh, that makes sense. Will you be okay to walk from here?" I see my house in sight so nod at his question. "See you soon." he says walking off towards his house again. I thought he wanted to see Carly? Maybe he changed his mind, I would.

I sneak back into my room, I turn the light on to find both of my parents stood with their arms crossed looking extremely angry with me.

"I-I can explain.." I freeze feeling terrified. I never break the rules.

"You finally did it! You broke out of your shell!" my mum explains causing confusion to hit me.


"Good girl. Now go to bed and don't tell your sister we praised you." she grins excitedly and closes my door leaving me flabbergasted.

What just happened?

Impersonating My Pregnant Twin Sister (Beau Brooks/Janoskians Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя