Chapter 3: Scarecrow

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It's been awhile and I feel brave enough to post this without an edit check. Been out all day and still out, posting from Burger King at 8pm so there's that.

Also I don't know if I used this pic already. I apologize if I did

-February 9th, 2007. Friday. 3:55 p.m-

The giant shadow grows closer and closer, my lungs are burning, everything is dark and I can't move to and maybe hide from the giant shadow. There's a terrible screeching noise... But I... I can't...


A sudden touch to my knuckles jolts me, quickly pulling them back before suddenly I'm sitting up, something quickly keeping my hands still. "Amy, shhhhh..." The voice tries to soothe me quietly. My eyes darting and looking all around me. Finally able to piece together what's happening.

I'm in my room.
Sitting up in bed.
My skin feels a little damp.
My hands are gripping my blanket tightly, turning my knuckles white.

And Mom is brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"I... didn't..." Mumbling quietly yet horrified at the thought.

Rather than answer me directly, Mom just shakes her head, resting her hands over mine. "It's okay, Amy."

It's not okay but I'm trying not to yell at her and start arguing. When I have a nightmare it's usually noticeable and you can hear me. Whether or not I yell or just whine like a baby isn't consistent. For as long as I can remember I've had a problem with nightmares. But they mostly went away when I started working for Syndicate. I guess my mind didn't have time to come up with a way to torture me and deny me sleep.

But that's not even the problem I have about all this, despite how embarrassing this is. Don't think I've forgotten about my birth parents being in the house...

Please God, show mercy and tell me they're asleep and clueless about this bullshit.

"Amy!" A distant voice yells angrily. Sounding like neither Josh, Hayley or Mom. "Amy!" Even louder this time. Angrier.

A shoe stepping down hard on mine causes me to jump and try to wiggle the pain out of my foot once freed from under the evil shoe. An amused laugh from the girl next to me enough to remind me what exactly is going on.

"Amy Meyers!!" Mrs. Benton yells louder. Probably beyond excited she has an excuse today. "You're blatant disregard for my teaching is getting out of hand!" Crossing her arms, glaring at me over her black framed glasses from where she's standing behind her desk. Light brown hair up in a beehive like hairdo. "Consider yourself lucky I don't send you to the principles office. Instead, you're going to walk yourself up here and apologize to your classmates for robbing them of their time that we could've better spent on their education." You got to be kidding me.

When I just stare at her, refusing to budge she tries to wave me forward, snapping her fingers reminding me of that one guy I would see on my walk home... with his dog. "You may not care about your education but your classmates do. So apologize."

"Nope." As I quickly rise from my seat, grab my slingbag and quickly walk out of the class just before the bell rings. Ignoring the way she yells at me even louder. Making sure to quickly vanish down and around the halls on my way to the front entrance. And I'm making good progress before I run into a pair of legs

"Hey there, slow down you silly goose!" The familiar voice chuckles softly. "I know you're excited to get out but don't tell me you're trying to avoid handing in your assignment today?" The friendly, playful voice of Miss Q teases yet nags at the same time.

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