cute things they do for you

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Axl: spins you around and kisses you, especially in public, loves pda and loves showing you off, also spins you around when it's just the two of you in your kitchen during the middle of the night. he loves being romantic with you. also always ties your shoes for you, you always tell him it's unnecessary but he shushes you and reminds you that you deserve to be treated like a princess. bridal style caries you up the staircase.

Slash: likes to play with your hair, i know it's overdone but he really loves to brush it, or just run his fingers through it when you're laying against his chest. he even tried learning how to braid for you, although he wasn't very good, the thought was what counted. occasionally tries to cook for you, usually fails miserably and results in the two of you ordering chinese takeout but he tries to be thoughtful. he always plays you songs on his acoustic guitar when you're struggling to fall asleep, somehow it always helps.

Duff: pulls faces at you on stage, like winking or sticking his tongue out. when you're mad at him, he always makes sure he blows you a kiss and mouths i'm sorry. always checks in on you when you seem a little down, making sure that you're doing okay mentally and not overworking yourself. if he thinks you need a break, he will 100% force you to have one.

Steven: he loves doing your makeup, lets be real, you end up looking like a 4 year olds barbie doll but he has fun and you like watching him question why there are so many makeup brushes. also just loves listening to you talk whenever you need it. he's like a puppy, following by your side whenever you need him. it's like he has the perfect timing. talks about how one day he is going to make you his wife.

Izzy: holds your hand, whenever, wherever, he will always be holding your hand and he usually traces little circles on it. also admires you from afar, watching your every move and adoring you quietly. izzy is secretly a huge romantic and occasionally writes you silly little love letters. he also talks you up to his friends, in a sweet way, always saying how lucky he is to have you. and he always writes you little love songs.

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