Epilogue 1

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{Summer between season 2 and 3. 3 Days after school ended}

"Thanks again," Winnie said as Stiles drove her to George's friends. "Absolutely. I'm not letting you go into this alone," he replied. His hair was starting to get longer. She nodded quietly and they walked inside. "Winnie! Buzzcut kid," George said warmly, "Just in time!" Winnie looked to Stiles who shrugged. She glanced back to see Freddy Lewis on the verge of killing George or himself. "In time for what," Winnie asked confused. "We're playing truth or dare kiddo," he said. "Oh fun," Winnie said sarcastically. They followed George in and Stiles pulled out his phone. Winnie glanced at the text from him. If you feel uncomfortable text me and I'll make up an excuse to bring you back home to Lydia's. Winnie smiled appreciatively to him. "I'm okay," she mouthed. He nodded as they sat joining the circle of 20 year olds. Freddy took a protective seat next to Winnie on the side opposite of Stiles creating a barrier between her and George. "I'm sorry kiddo," he apologized. "It's fine. There's been worse," Winnie dismissed.

They started up and the rule was everyone was allowed five truths in a row but they had to do a dare after five in a row. One of the kids who had known George for years asked, "Winnie truth or dare?" "Knowing how fucked up you are Brent I'll take truth," Winnie jeered. "That really hurts my feelings Pooh bear," he teased and she grit her teeth. "Alright... What's your type," he asked. "Intelligent and funny so not you," she jeered. George started cackling. "Freddy truth or dare," Winnie asked. "Truth," Freddy replied. "Uhhhhh worst date," Winnie asked. "You remember Claire," he asked. Winnie nodded. "The last date we had was the worst I ever had. My cat died right before, we both got food poisoning and she called her ex halfway through to ask for him to take her back," Freddy replied. "Ooof that's rough man," Stiles replied. "Tell me about it," Freddy replied. They kept going around and Stiles had clocked out his truths. "BUZZCUT! You have to do a dare buddy," George said. "Alright," Stiles replied. Winnie could tell he was keeping his guard up and seemed skeptical of George's excitement. "I dare you to kiss either Winnie or Jake," George said pointing to the two people on either side of Stiles.

"George," Winnie started. "Dude we said nothing of any sexual nature," Freddy defended. "It's just a harmless kiss from a harmless dare it means nothing," George instigated, "Unless it doesn't mean nothing. You've been eyeing my baby sister all night." Winnie's face started to burn red in anger. "Yeah to make sure she's alright because her brother surrounded her with a bunch of drunken 20 year olds waiting to take advantage of her," Stiles fired back. "Stiles stop," Winnie replied. "You think you're tough shit Stiles," George asked. "George enough," Freddy butt in.

They were all standing by now cycling in and out between food. Only Brent and Jane were seated. "I at least know how to hold my liquor," Stiles fired. "Stiles, stop, stop. Please. Just stop," Winnie pleaded grabbing his shoulders. He looked down and complied seeing her on the verge of breaking down. "It's just a game. Stop being a little bitch," George shouted over Freddy's attempts to calm him down. "Let's just go. Please," Winnie pleaded. "Has to do the the dare," one of the drunk idiots said from somewhere in the circle. "If he's too chicken shit I'll take his place," Brent commented. Stiles pulled Winnie behind him as Brent stepped forwards. Freddy stepped in and Brent put his hands up in surrender. "It was just a joke buzzkill," Brent half grumbled. "They're fucking sixteen. Leave them the hell out of this shit or you can take it up with me," Freddy warned. The 6'1" jock towered over most of the group. They all backed down and Freddy walked Stiles and Winnie out.

"I'm so sorry about that," he apologized. "It's not your fault Freddy," Winnie consoled. "Thanks man. What you did means a lot," Stiles said after Winnie hugged Freddy. "Keep an eye on her," Freddy replied bro hugging Stiles. "Hope to see you kids around on better circumstances," Freddy noted. "I hope so too. Tell Ronnie your people I say hi," Winnie noted. He nodded walking back inside. "Fred is a good guy," Stiles said as they walked to the Jeep. Winnie could still see the fumes he tried to hide. But his emotions weren't her responsibility. Shouting drifted out from the house they just left. Stiles could tell Fred and George were the ones screaming. He looked to see Winnie close her eyes and put in head phones. He glanced to see the playlist read To Drown Out Fighting. His heart sunk and he pulled out of the driveway.

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