Rule #4 Horny Hood

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Rule #4: Combat boots, Leather Jackets, Ripped pants, Black hair. My point? You have to look the part and what you wear defines if you are and if you aren't badass. For example, if I showed up wearing a pink skirt and wedges I might as well have a sign on my back that says, "Idiot Virgin ". If I show up wearing tight black jeans and my black leather jacket with my tattoos showing people will naturally not mess with me, which is exactly what I want. I mean you don't want to be a social casualty, right? Unfortunately boys don't seem to understand.

"I can't wear this!" I screech.

I look down at myself. The clothes that Michael so kindly brought me look like they were bought straight out of a 5SOS merchandise shop. I'm wearing a black tank top with the 5SOS logo and "Derping since 2011" written on it. The leggings that were also in the pile of clothing have "CAKE AND MASHTON" trailing down the sides. Even the bra and underwear have their logo on them.

When I look up I see Calum and Ash staring at me confused, Luke is still nowhere to be found and I haven't seeen Michael since I stormed off.

"Why not?" Ashton asks. His voice is quiet and he almost sounds hurt that I want don't want to wear his bands clothing.

" Do you even know who I am?" I interrogate them.

That's when I remember they don't. I'm just some random fan for them to fuck. They don't live around here, they don't care about me. They probably didn't even ask my name before they stuck there dicks into me. After all why should they care, it's not like they'll ever see me again after today. I'm suprised I'm daring to be rude to them, let alone calm. I mean how could you stay calm when Ash's dimples are so sexy and and Calum's voice is so s- Jade, focus!

"No," Calum says," Do you even know who we are?"


"Yes, I know who you are, I'm not living under a rock. But I swear to god if either of you tell a living soul about any of this I will fucking kill you," I threaten.

I never thought I'd be telling my idols that I will kill them. But if somebody finds out, especially if Brooke Lespen finds out (she's the annoying gossip type at Southside) my reputation will be conpletely ruined.

My thoughts are interrupted by Calum smirking and replying, " Same to you."

"Both of you shut up," Ashton interrupts, " Neither of you are going to kill anybody. Seriously Calum, you'd be ruining our career if you went to jail."

"Even if he didn't kill me, I could say it was a rape case and then you'd all have to go to jail," I say, glaring at Calum.

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you, you were completely willing!" He argues.

"How are you going to prove that?" I ask.

"We could have filmed it and you wouldn't even know," He says.

I bet that must be exactly what they did. Because it would be so smart to film it and then if somebody finds it and find out that they go around fucking fans it would be just perfect for them.

Ash opens his mouth, about to say something when the front door clicks open and and obviously drunk Hemmings stumbles in.

"Who's this?" He slurs, pointing a wavering finger at me.

"The girl you fucked last night," I say with a scowl on my face.

I don't care if he's drunk, he should at least keep track of the abortions he'll have to pay for in the future.

"Oh you," He nods.

Calum laughs. It's really not funny. I didn't think that when I met them they'd be treating me like shit, especially him.

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