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wadanohara woke up on a thursday morning and went downstairs.When she arrived downstairs she saw memoca and dolphi trying to recreate that boy drinking vodka and spit it out meme and memoca was chugging that bitch down like it was the end of the god damn world while dolphi tried to stop her but failed miserably.She turned to her left and saw fukami looking at octopus on the tv screen while eating frosted flakes because hes health as fuck.She went to their crusty kitchen and you know who she saw there? fucking spongebob,he was making krabby pattys for everyone and he laughed like a witch and continued working.Wadanohara,already ready to fricking yeet herself to the sun,went back to the room to see a drunk memoca screaming 'samekichi and sal are rin and len' while dolphi then gave up on trying to help memoca was drinking a caprison on the couch,and it wasnt even the good flavor.fukami,who was still watching to octopus now have fricking cereal and was throwing it at the tv.Wada ran out the door to see Chlomaki fucking yeet herself on top of a rock then fall to the mother fucking ground while Lobco just stood there and watched this whole thing happen,chlomaki then yeeted lobco.Wada decided to go to the castle,as she was walking she passed by Rimorimo and the rest of them telling Minero to shut the fuck up and then Tomoshibi hit her with a frying pan,and wadanohara watched as they dragged her body out of the sea kingdom.When she finally arrived at the castle in the far left corner she could she Tatsumiya drinking koolaid and Helica fucking yeeting a table,apparently they throw a party on the side of the castle for no reason at all other than the fact they wanted to.She opened the castle gate and saw Pulmo who actually was probably the only sane one in this greeting her with a happy and cheerful smile.As she was about to open the door to the Princesses room and fucking chair gets thrown at the door almost hitting her face,she looked through the door to see Princess Uomi and Princess Mikotsu having a Pokemon battle while everyone she had every met was watching.The castle started to become shaky as hell and all of a sudden the whole red sea came to watch the Pokemon battle and it became chaotic as hell.Wada ran out of the castle and up to the surface and went near the rocks,On the shallow side she saw samekichi.She ran towards him thinking that he was not going crazy like the rest of them,but NOPE.He turned around and it was actually god damn sal cosplaying as samekichi for some reason because he has his kinks. She fucking screeched like guy in that dog meme and legit teleported into her house.She went to kitchen while passing the blackout drunk memoca and the sleeping dolphi. She opened to fridge and got some juice (the good juice) and drank that bitch down,Then wadanohara woke up and realized that it was all a dream.She went down stairs to find Memoca was still drunk,Fukami was still looking at octopus and Dolphi fucking giving up and then Sal jumped in. THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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