New Beginnings

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~Leir's Dream
???: Palutenaaaaa
Leir: Who are you?!
???: You may be in a different form, but you're still the pathetic goddess you always were
Surrounds Leir in Darkness
*Wakes up in a panic*
Leir: *Heavy breathing* I'm ok.....What was she talking about...Wait Pit? And...*Looks At hands and removes sheets* What The?!
Pit: *Wakes up* You're awake!
Leir: I'm a human?! How did that happen!
Pit: I don't know?! I was gonna ask you that!
Leir: Why are we yelling?!
Pit: I don't know?!
Leir: Maybe we should stop!
Pit: Yes! We should!
Both start laughing
Leir: What was that 😂😂😂😂
Pit: I don't know 😂😂😂😂
Leir: 😂😂 No but really what happened *Trying to stop laughing*
Pit: The garden caught on fire, there was a big flash of light, and you turned into a human.
Can you remember anything that happened?
Leir: No, but the trees were saying something about eyes and snakes
Pit: Snakes?

They sat there in silence again

Pit: Uhh Leir I'm sorry for all this
Leir: What? But this isn't your fault Pit, I was a flower it's not like you could've just taken me from a God's garden without consequences
Pit: 😔 You're right
Leir: ......
Pit: Do you want to live with my family
Leir: Huh!
Pit: You have nowhere else to go, or at least until Persephone rebuilds everything
Leir: *Smiles* Yes, Thank You Pit *Gets out of Bed* *Trips*
Pit: Lady Palutena! *Catches*
Leir: ? Lady Palutena?
Pit: I'm sorry!! I don't know what I just said!! It just came out
Leir: I like it
Pit: What?
Leir: Palutena, a pretty name, I want that to be my new name
Pit: Ok Palutena

They both stare at each other until a nurse walks in

Nurse: Here's your med..e..cine
Sees Pit holding Palutena
Both: *Blushing* Uhhhhhh
Palutena: Uhhh I fell and he was trying to get me back up
Pit: Yeah!
Nurse: Ok, After she takes this she will be discharged, I just need your parents to sign at the front desk so that she will legally under your care. Just call if you need anything else, have a goodnight *Leaves room Smiling*
Today's youth are so energetic

Both Pit and Palutena are left in awe, until they finally snap out of it and Pit stands Palutena up

Pit: I should probably teach you how to walk
Palutena: Yeah, Don't worry I'm a fast learner

-10 minutes later
Pit teaches Palutena to walk they leave the hospital and go home

Pit's Mom: So Palutena sweetie you don't remember anything but your name. And you were living in the garden and that's how met my son
Palutena: Yes
Pit's mom: *Slightly suspicious* Well tomorrow you go to school with Pit, if you ever need anything just ask. But for now let's sleep it's been a long night
*Pit sneaking away*
And You're Still Gonna be Punished for Your Little Dinner Escape!
Pit: Yes ma'am
Pit's Dad: You're going to be sleeping in Pit's room
All: Goodnight
Athena: Don't worry he's oblivious to everything he won't do anything. Mom and Dad know that too
Pit: *Annoyed* You know I hear you from here?! And What are you talking about?!
Athena:😏 See oblivious
Palutena: ?
Athena: Ohhhh😏 an innocent mind, don't worry I'll teach you everything I know
Palutena: Thank You? *Why does that scare me*
Athena: Goodnight bro, night Palutena
Both: Goodnight

Pit pulls out an air mattress, yes he is already in his Pjs and Palutena is using Athena's old Pjs

Palutena: Your family is really nice
Pit: Thanks Lady..I mean Palutena! *Why do I keep saying Lady Palutena?*
Palutena: *Giggles*
Pit: What is there something on me *Twirls around*
Palutena: *Giggles* No you're just funny 😊*And cute*
Pit: Ok *Small blush* *Goes to the air mattress*
Palutena: Wait I thought I was taking the floor bed
Pit: Nah it's your first night I want you to be comfortable
Palutena: Are you sure *Worried*
Pit: Yeah! It doesn't even Mattress
Palutena: *Very confused* *What was that?*
Pit: Never mind...goodnight Palutena
Palutena: Goodnight Pit *Excited* *I can't wait for school tomorrow!*

Outside the Moon suddenly turns pitch black. No it's not a new moon!

A/N: Palutena is the same height as Pit
Yay fighting episode next!
Yay violence!!!
Go badass bosses!!!
Be a Badass!!!
And remember

A/N: Palutena is the same height as PitYay fighting episode next!Yay violence!!!Go badass bosses!!!Be a Badass!!!And remember

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A Second Chance (Pit x Palutena and Dark Pit x Viridi fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now