Baby Daddy ✔️

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Everly's Pov

Have you ever had that feeling of feeling unwanted? That feeling when you feel you don't fit into anything, that you are just that one odd puzzel piece gone wrong. The feeling of not being necessarily sad but just empty. That feeling when you have people you care about but you still feel like you have no one.

Yeah, that one.

Sitting on the couch I look down at my stomach. 6 weeks pregnant so far. That's what my pregnancy test said when I took it. How can I possibly be 6 weeks along and not notice that there is a living thing growing inside of me?

I wonder if cats know when they are pregnant. Like they can't take a pregnancy test. Do they just one day randomly wake up, feeling furry balls of goo bounce around in their stomach and just assume they are pregnant?

I need to go Google this.

" How you feeling honey?" I hear Alexa's voice ask.

" A little nauseous but I'm okay." I reply.

She takes a minute to look at me and then takes a seat next to me.

" How far along are you?" she asks.

" 6 weeks." I reply.

She's quiet for a minute and I swear I can smell the smoke coming from her brain from all the thinking.

" You know... It isn't to late to get an abo-"

" Don't you dare say that word." I cut her off, holding my stomach with both hands.

" I'm going to have this baby." I simply say.

She looks down at my stomach, trying to think of what to say next. After a few minutes of just sitting and staring at my stomach, making me a little uncomfortable, she sighs and scoots closer to me while putting her hand palm down on my flat stomach.

" Well you are definitely not going to have this baby alone. You can call me it's Godmother thank you, even though I'm already it's aunt. Doesn't matter. I'm still it's Godmother." she says with a smile.

Sometimes I do question her intelligence. I guess she can reserve the role for both being godmother and an aunty.

If only it could be that easy.

" I appreciate it Lex." I say placing her hand into mine.

" And you can call me the Godfather. " I hear Luke, Alexa's boyfriend, comment.

" Of course you are." I smile.

Luke is a genuine nice guy. He's been through a lot in his past and I guess that's why he and Alexa get along that well, seeing as she's been through hell and back. Being the favorite daughter didn't mean she still had it easy growing up. While mom was busy pleasing the man I sadly have to call my sperm doner, Alexa basically took on the role as a mother for me. She has played a bigger role in my life than the woman who carried me for 9 months.

I find their relationship adorable. They are high-school sweethearts and even after everything they can still put a smile on each other's faces. I just wish I could find that someone.

Speaking of finding that someone, I should probably let Justin know about his baby. Justin is my boyfriend if you haven't realized it. Don't worry, some people are just slower than other.

I'm not happy with my relationship but I have no other choice, seeing as I am carrying his child. I just hope he feels the same. I still have no idea how I'm going to break the news to him.

I could send him an email? Or bake a note into a cookie. Or I could get one of those airplanes that flies around with banners and- or I could just tell him when I see him again.

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