Meeting Blorg

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"FUCK" I jump up and run downstairs, I must've missed my alarm. Fuck I'm gonna be late. I change clothes and do whatever I can with my hair in less than a minute. My parents aren't here and it's way to late for the bus. It's only about a 15 minute walk, if I run I might get there on time. Fuck it, I start running towards the school. I barely know the way there but I'll figure it out.

(what IS this introduction. I'll tell you, it's fucking magnificent)

I'm running up the front of the school to the door when the bell rings. "SHIT" I yell, too loudly. I just keep going until I get to the doors. I have to buzz in and get a tardy slip. Fuck I've been late almost all year, they're probably going to have a "talk" with me.

I get into class and it's pretty normal, everyone is listening and the teacher just gives me a stare as I hand her the slip and walk to my seat. There seems to be someone new but I never really notice the people in this class.

Class goes by quickly and I really don't want to go to second period, but I definitely can't skip today. I reluctantly walk into class and somehow only three other people are in here. Daniel, a nerdy kid that only talks about shitty sy-fi movies and shows, but he seems happy most of the time. The biology teacher, who I'm pretty sure is hungover. And there's someone else, I don't think I've seen them before but it might be because until today I didn't give a single fuck. Theyre really cute whoever they are and they happen to be sitting directly infront of me.

Within seconds the rest of the class starts flooding in, in waves. As soon as people stop coming in the teacher gets up, sits back down, and finally says "You know what, just do whatever, and don't wake me up unless someone is on fire or the boss comes." How do they even have this job? I swear she gives us free days at least once a week, I really can't complain though.

Shit, I might as well talk to them. They look very content but kind of nervous. They pick up a book and start to read. Fuck. I can't just interrupt them, that seems rude. They seem to be close to finishing, maybe I can wait.

I wonder what I should say to them when they're done. I probably shouldn't ask if they're new because if they aren't I seem like a dick. Maybe I could ask how the book is, but that's kind of pathetic. I think I've read it before so maybe I can simply say, "Hey, I've read that before, how do you like it?"

About twenty minutes pass and they finish the book and set it down. Fuck I don't think I've read that one. Before they can start on anything else I tap them on the shoulder.

"Hey, how's your book?" Fuck I sound so boring.

"It's good, have you read it?"

"No, but I've been meaning to. Would you recommend it?" I SOUND SO STUPID JUST ASK THEM FOR THEIR NAME OR THEIR NUMBER OR SOMETHING SHIT

"Yeah I guess so." They smile at me and start to turn back.

"Have you always gone here?"

They look tired, "Yeah I just had to switch my biology class."

"Oh, well, I swear it's not always like this."

"I don't really mind, I would like to do something sometimes though." Shit.

"So why'd you have to switch classes."

"The students weren't very friendly."

"They really aren't any better in here, but tell me if they give you any shit. Everyone here talks loud but won't really do anything." They smile.

"They don't seem that bad."

"It's Monday, tomorrow will be hell. I promise you that."

"Oh well, what's your name anyway, I'm Blorg."

(I can't take this shit seriously what the FUCK. fucking blorg.)

"Oh I'm (uhh, name)." The bell rings and in seconds we're out of our seats. I don't know if Blorg will notice but I wrote my number on a piece of a paper and slipped it on their book. I couldn't put it in their book, since they just finished they probably wouldn't open it.

The rest of the classes are pretty boring and I did the minimal amount of work. I can't stop thinking about Blorg. I hope they text me or even call me I wouldn't really care. They seem so nice and they're so cute. Maybe I could find them after school.

The last bell just rang and I'm searching for them. I don't think I'll find Blorg. I slowly start walking home to do anything besides stand here by myself. Joey will usually meet me home and we go out and do whatever. Joey is my best friend. He's 5'11 and is pretty much a twink. He's got dirty blonde hair and green eyes he got from his dad. I guess he's cute but, he has a penis. I think he said we were going to this abandoned warehouse around the corner to smoke pot and paint the walls, not anything trashy, I like to paint the walls with whatever colors I have and turn it into.. anything really.

*buzz buzz*

B- "Hey, it's Blorg. Do you have any plans today?"

Before I can respond to Blorg's text I get another from Joey this time.

J- "Hey, I was thinking the warehouse? I'm already buzzed so I can't go far."

Fuck, I respond to Blorg.

Me- "Sort of, do you have something in mind?"

B- "No, not really. I'd like to see you though."

My heart is pounding. What the fuck, really??

Me- "Would you be up to coming to the warehouse with me and my friend. I don't know if it'd be something you'd be up to. We can always do something else if you don't like it."

B- "Oh alright, do you want me to meet you there?"

Me- "I'll come and we can walk together?",

B- "I'm still at the front of the school.."

Me- "I'll see you in a few minutes and we can meet Joey."

I text Joey and put my phone away, "I'm bringing a friend, get rid of the weed."


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