(15) '-DM'

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Today was the day when some of the durmstang students leave. About 5 stayed. The four will go back. And since they are staying...

"Malfoy, Draco." Mcgonagall said.
Of course the hat said,
Four in slytherin, one in ravenclaw. Damn it.
We continued on with our breakfast. I was so hungry, I barely ate anything last night at dinner. Especially since.... I kissed him.

As I was eating, I got a letter:

Meet me in the library.'


That boy is messing with my thoughts and feelings.

"Hey guys, I really need to go." I said getting up. I left the great hall and checked behind me before anyone could follow.
Finally, I was at the library. The librarian, was of course asleep. I clapped my hands, she didn't wake up.

I walked over to a corner barely anyone knew, to see Draco.
I ran over to him and kissed him.
"I missed you like crazy." As we both kissed each other.
"I did too." I replied as he started to kiss my neck.
We kept on kissing to what seemed like hours.
"We'll finish this tomorrow. Students are coming in a couple of minutes." I said. Kissing him.
"Of course." He replied we let go and left.

So.... we're just make out buddies now?

I went to the head boy and girl common room to see Harry and Ginny making out.
"Oops, sorry." I said.
"It's okay," hart said letting go of Ginny. We all sat down on the couch.

"What took you so long?" Ginny asked me.
"I was looking for an advanced potions book. Very hard to find. In the end, couldn't find it" I lied.
"Hey Gin, I'll be right back. Gotta find Ron." Harry said leaving out through the portrait hole.

"You were making Out with him weren't you." Ginny asked me.
"How did you-"
"Hermione, I've been kissing guys all my life so I know that expression and lie. Not to mention, you have a hickey." She interrupted me.
"Accio mirror!" I said with my wand. And just as she bet, there was a hickey on my left side.
"Here, a scarf. So that Ron and Harry won't jump to conclusions. I always used a scarf to cover up my hickeys or scars when I was out with Dean." She said handing me and gryffindor scarf.
"Thanks Gin. I wouldn't know what to do without you." I said hugging her.

Fake Love ( a DraMione fanfic ) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now