Chapter 26

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Everyone swung their head and looked at William. Hawk said. Do you know that you just claimed my sister as your woman? I don't care. I am in love. She walked over to William and said. Who do you think you are to claim me? He said my name is William but I go by Ace. My adopted sister happens to be your brother's woman. You have an attitude just like my sisters. You are a firebrand. I like to chase so run sweetheart. You are already mine.  William grinned up at her. My name is Cammy and I love to be chased. Hawk do I have permission to claim your sister Cammy as my woman. Yes he said. But your being warned. She is just like Karan in attitude. Good. Looking at Cammy he said. I don't want a woman who follows everything I say. I like a good fight because the make-up sex is great. So Cammy how old are you he askes?  I'm 21 she said. How old are you? I am 25 does that bother you? Not a bit. How old is your sister? She just turned 18 and she is Rebels woman. Your kidding right? No way. Rebel is 25 years old. He's 7 years older than Karan. She doesn't mind and neither does he. So let me introduce you to my family. B.J. and Dennis are my cousin's. My brothers. Johnny, Michael, Ryan, and Stanley. My sister is in the infirmary. She was shot in the back yesterday. Shit. did they catch who did it? Yes, they did and he knows he is going to die. Well, you will be meeting Rebel's, Snake's, shotgun, Shooters, and Tat's sisters and Breaker's. They are on their way here now. Are you all going to the cabins with us? Of course, we are club members now. So I need to talk to my brother. See you later. I washed her walk away and shoved my cock down. I am going to need a cold, very cold shower. That ass in those jeans makes me even harder. Hawk she said giving him a hug. Can you tell me why you were out cold on the floor a few minutes ago? He hugged her and pulled Donna over to his side. Donna this is my baby sister Cammy. Cammy my woman Donna. Hi Cammy said. Well, why were you on the floor. Donna is pregnant. I am going to be a father. Cammy started laughing. No really tell me. I am telling you the truth. Looking at Donna she asked. You're really his woman. Yes, I am. I can't believe it. My brother who swore he would never have a woman has a woman. Well, that guy over that has just claimed me as his woman. You know per club law there is nothing I can do about it. I have to accept it. It appears my club members just keep on growing. Mom and dad will love that having you back home. I guess. That is Rebels woman's brother. One of them anyway. When are the other girls coming? Later tonight. Wait I hear a bike. Let's see which one that is. Rebel's sister Peggy slams open the door and yells I home. Dennis said I claim her. Peggy swung her head to look at Dennis. Oh, shit. Hi she walked up to him. My name is Peggy and I am Rebel's sister.  Your my woman down and I am Dennis cousin to Rebel's woman Karan. Where is Rebel she asked? He is in the infirmary with Karan. Why what happened to her? She was shot in the back last night. Shit. I just bet Reb is furious about that. He killed the guy that did it. How is she doing? She will live. I see a lot of new faces who are all of you? That is B.J. my cousin, That is William *Ace) and he is Cammy's, that one is Johnny, Ryan, Stanley, and Michael. They are all brothers and Karan's brothers. My cousins. Dam she has a lot of brothers. Your mom and dad are here too. They are with Rebel. I have to say you and Cammy are taking being claimed easily. Shrugging her shoulders she said. it is club rules. We knew it was going to happen one day. But. I won't make it easy for you. I hope you enjoy a chase. Grinning he said. We all enjoy a good chase. Cammy said. Her comes Lisa, Laura, Tara, Julie, and April. As the girls walked in the bar they were all claimed. Hawk said. Everyone in the family is going to be happy that all you girls will be staying at the club now. And you will be cousins and five of you sister in laws. Rebel walked up the steps and into the bar. I have good news everyone. Karan will be permitted to get out of bed tomorrow. But she can't do any heavy lifting. She is also allowed to have regular food and she wants sweet and sour chicken, brown rice, egg drop soup, and egg rolls so if anyone else wants Chinese they better see the prospect over there and he will call it in. Bring mom, dads, mine, and Karan's down to us when it gets here. Bring mom tea, Karan wants her coffee, dad and myself beer. Thank you. The food came and Karan ate half of it. She looked at Doc and asked. Can I go back to our room tonight? She said tomorrow. But I can't sleep unless I am laying on top of Rebel.  no sex. Rebel said she really does sleep laying on top of me. I showed them the picture that Elizabeth took of us sleeping and sent to my phone.  Mom said that is so cute. Will she be able to to that as her pregnancy progresses she asked. I will give it my best shot Karan said. Mom and dad laughed Doc said fine but do not lay on your back. I clapped my hands and said did you hear that Rebel? I heard I said. The food came and Karan ate all the chicken half the rice and the rest of her food. I watched as doc gave her a pain pill and we talked until she started getting sleepy. I picked her up and carried her to our bed. I took off everything but my boxers and climbed into to bed and shut the lights off. Karan climbed on me and fell asleep. I followed her about 10 minutes later. 

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