Part 1-Wistful

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The sun pulls down the shutters,

Hides under his covers;

Rays of light shudder,

The air cools its fever.


Beauty of the night,

Wakes up and lights her candles;

Her admirers' eyes shine bright,

Observing from every angle.


The girl pulls up the shutters,

Shivers beneath the covers;

Tears flow down in rivers,

As loneliness flaunt its prowess.


Her eyes find the moon,

To guide her through the gloom;

To help her heal her wounds;

To stop wistful thoughts bloom.


She doubts she has a chance;

Doubt the angel would join her dance;

Doubt he would give her nary,

More than the slightest fancy.


For he is the epitome,

Of utmost perfection;

She can't help it as her thoughts roam,

Steadily towards, the flawless creation...


The moon's kisses calm-

A temporary balm;

The sun soon wipes away-

The tears of yet another day.


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