
242 6 4

Green: my friends don't walk they run

Infobitch: skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun

Mydemons: popping popping balloons with guns

Infobitch: getting high off helium

Green: we paint white roses red

Mydemons: each shade from a different person's head

Sunset: cause dream, dream is a killer getting drunk with a blue caliper

Infobitch: WHOMST

Sunset: what I can't join idiot


Bookist: NAJAMI

Sunset: why the fuck am I here

Infobitch: u don't remember Y

Sunset: all I remember is getting killed by a bitch with a mask gloves and a fucking chainsaw

Sunset: like how the fuck does someone sneak something that big into the school

Infobitch: they don't, they get it from the shed

Sunset: your the blunt bitch Kuma told me to keep a eye on for being too self aware


TheEarthIsFlat: again this is scientifically impossible, so many people have tried. And failed. How can a female(not sure how old she is so yeah) who is named Kuma bring not only one, but two people from the perished

Infobitch: simple, it's the special call shutthefuckup cakes or would you like the shutthefuckupornonamechange4u pudding

TheEarthIsFlat: understandable

Saikou: Najami and Ruto can you come to the student council office for questioning

Sunset: how about

Sunset: no

Badass: who the fuck are you

Sunset: the person that could kick your ass

Badass: you want to go

Sunset: nah I rather not waste my time on some idiot

Badass: this is a damn challenge. Listen here princess but just because some hoe brought you back doesn't mean your all that

Sunset: you think you know pain I got murdered by a girl with a creepy ass laugh with a chainsaw and i didn't even actually die until both my legs were gone

Sunset: so I suggest you stop talking baka

Green: no body can't tell me they weren't waiting for the baka

Infobitch: just bc ur rite doesn't mean it has to be said

Green: bc I'm right it should be said

Kuma has logged on to chat






Kuma: nice all fourth wall power beholders

Mydemons: excuse me but who the hell said I wanted to live

Sunset: excuse me what the hell is wrong with you baka

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