The Decision

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I had just gotten through a rough year of college in England, it was my first year in an actual college since I had taken a year of online, and I already had so many responsibilities. I was already a mother and I had gotten the opportunity to study abroad in Seoul on a business scholarship from my college in England as an exchange student, it only lasted a year and it meant I had to relocate my son Elijah and myself to a new country and learn the language. But I couldn't let the opportunity slide and pass me by. It was a perfect time to travel and get inspiration for my dream café I wanted to call Elysium. Where people can come in and feel like they're in paradise just like Elysium from the greek myths. I had the summer to learn Korean and to get everything ready to move. I had an apartment ready for me thanks to the college and I was excited to say the least. I always wanted to travel and Seoul was already special to me. It was more of a song about it that made me fall In love with the city how the artist describes his love and hate for it and the area within it. How the people would hurry along the streets and the smells in the air whether it be from the food cooking or the amount of people walking its narrow paths. He made it seem like both a paradise and a hell, to me it seemed perfect for some reason; almost like it was destiny for me to be there so there I would go.

Authors Note:

Please do not take any names for the places like the Cafe because this fanfic is mostly based on my dreams for the future hence the Cafe called Elysium and the sons name is based off of my friend who counts as my child. I know this chapter is really short but it's just leading up to her and her son moving I hope you all like it and give feedback. I already have the second chapter planned out for the most part.

Just a warning it will most likely be a slowish burn and will not introduce all the characters right away so please bare with me.

Love you all 💜

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