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It has been almost a month into the summer and I have everything packed and ready to go. My sons things were packed away nicely and so were mine. Thankfully neither of us had too many boxes when we combined them. So it was easy to put everything in my Jeep and make sure everything was out of the apartment we had been staying at for the past year.

Once everything was settled and Shane was safely in the car, I got in the drivers seat and started on my way to the airport, it was too far to drive and make it on time to meet my new landlord and get everything settled for Shane's school and my own as well as getting adjusted to the whole new culture and language. I had been taking classes for learning how to read, write and speak Korean, it's so different from English that it was hard to grasp at first and Im still extremely nervous that I'm going to accidentally insult someone, especially someone important like my future boss or even a professor.

Once we made it to the Airport I unpacked everything onto a cart and got Shane out of the car, We had to ship my car but thankfully the Airport we went to is able to ship it to Seoul for me. but it would take a week or two after we get there to be delivered. I grabbed the luggage cart and headed inside the airport. Once at the desk there was a woman with medium length brown hair, green eyes and fair skin working behind the counter. She was polite enough to get someone to put my luggage on the belt for me since I was struggling to keep Shane upright. She handled everything swiftly and directed us to the security check that would then lead us to our gate.

Shane only had his backpack, blanket, and other necessary things like his electronics, books and neck pillow. While I had the same things but of a different kind along with snacks. Since it was early in the morning, almost three AM, there weren't  many people in line so we quickly made our way through security and found our gate which was at the end of the building. There were only a few others there and I assumed that the flight wasn't completely booked and sighed in relief.  The worst thing while traveling would be a full flight, especially this early. There was an elderly couple sitting by the window, the elderly man reading the newspaper while his wife read a novella, both struggling to stay awake as to not miss their flight. a few seats down maybe about seven or eight seats there was a group of people some in business attire, others in pajamas but a few were in casual attire and masks on their faces, for what reason I don't know but I brushed it off and set Elijah in a seat as gently as I could. the flight would take off at five so I had time to catch at least an hour of rest before the long flight.

I woke to a man shaking me awake as it neared time to board the plane. I thanked him and turned to get Elijah up. Soon enough it was time for us to board and as I was walking the same man came up to me and gave me my ticket I had dropped. He had a very nice face from what I could see. He had kind brown eyes and red hair underneath his black beanie and the rest of his face I couldn't see since it was hidden by a black mask. In turn I thanked him then carried on my way and boarded the plane.

It would be a long flight to Seoul

*lets time skip a bit*

We finally landed in Seoul and to say the least I was blown away by the view I saw from the sky. To think soon I'll be able to walk the streets of this city and call it home for the next year.
As we walked through the airport and went to baggage claim there was hundreds of I guess fangirls waiting for a celebrity. Upon getting closer to the crowd I realized it was for one of my favorite kpop groups... BTS.

Elijah and I quickly got our things and made it out of the Airport just in time for BTS to make an appearance, we thankfully missed the mayhem and went on our way to the apartment in which we will be living in for the next year.

The landlord was a kind woman who was in her fifties, she was graceful and painter with me especially since I'm a foreigner trying and possibly failing to speak Korean. She led me and elijah to our apartment and had her son help us get all our boxes into the home.

I had a feeling that things were going to be alright finally, it's funny how both wrong and right I was about that feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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