The Sea of Impunity

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Those with prerogative or those with excellent luck will, for the most part, receive impunity. These privileges come in many shapes; family relations, whom one associates with, and one's own insight into their particular reality. There is an infinite number of variables that touch upon who does and does not obtain such impunity. Even an individual with obvious intellect would have great difficulty in deducing who would be protected, and what or who would be defending.

Humans are not the only human susceptible to impunity and its lack of. Animals that are viewed as more attractive tend to receive more sympathy than the less popular being. The difference in the measures of attention a person or concept receives based off of attractiveness is disturbingly lofty. Not accounting for the scare amount of caring individuals, many problems are ignored and considered extraneous compared to the 'relevant issues.'

In a world of copious iniquity, there must be empathy and thought towards all issues that are currently or will be causing harm. Not only should one have compassion for one another, but for their environment as well.

Most areas on this earth are suffering from neglect, exploitation, or downright abuse. From the forests to the melting ice caps, it seems that no land wilds the shield of impunity. Though, the part of the earth that garners affection from most also gathers most people's trash. Unlike various undiscussed matters, the degrading condition of the ocean is recognized globally. The effects of pollution have taken the sea with a terrible vice, and there are many ways to enlighten those ignorant to the destructive impact of plastic pollution on the ocean.

Photographs of sea creatures smothered by plastic and bearing their famine with their ribs protruding and their sunken eyes despairing are taken with two purposes: to inform the masses of the horrid effects of plastic pollution in the ocean, and to obtain sympathy from the peoples towards those creatures. Both are tantamount in the effort to gather support for the drifting world.

In this world, luck and natural advantage can be earned, but with a steep hill of difficulty. The sea, forests, and ice caps will be unable to stand for themselves, nor will they be miraculously be blessed with a sudden spout of luck. For these locations, people as a whole must rise to give them the nurturing they rightfully deserve, just as they nurture the people. If no action is taken to better their current conditions, they will soon fall beyond the lines of redemption.

If people cannot muster their courage and hand impunity to the sea, then people will soon witness a rise and fall, not of the tide, but of the life on earth and the many who will lay back and watch their world collapse without a single thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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