An Angel

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I opened my eyes... Oh No! I was back in the abiss, the figure, the shadow...

"What do you want to tell me this time Sabre?" I said started to feel myself crying

"You still don't realize it" He exclaimed

"R-realize what?"

He came into the light again, this time he had devil horns and wings

"I. AM. NOT. SABRE!!!!!"

I felt lost, how could he not be Sabre? He looks just like him but with horns and wings

"What do you mean?" I asked

He sighed,"I am his opposite!"

I felt so confused, Sabre, sorry Sabre's "opposite" snapped his fingers and revieled another Sabre, bit with angel wings and a halo. He was sktting on his knees, his face in his palms, crying. He looked up and realized where he was, he shot up and looked at his "opposite"

"DARTH????" He shouted

"WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME HERE RIGHT NOW????? Can't you see I was busy crying?" Sabre shouted

"Sabre!!!! Don't yell at me!!!! We have a guest!!!!"

They argued like brothers, I, however, just stood there slightly shocked. Sabre slowly turned to look at me, then jumped back. His wings disappeared along with his halo


"No, Sabre... He comes here in hos sleep" Darth explained

I stood there, I was too confused to say a word, I was about to ask what was going on but a bright whote light flashed and I woke up in my bed, I had gauze wrap around my abdomin

"Oh honey! You're finally awake!" My mom was crying

"Ummmmm, What happened?" I asked

"You've been passed out for a week so... I didn't have time to tell you the news..."

"W-what news?"

"Honey... We are... Moving on Saturday..." She said quietly

I looked around and noticed all of my items were already packed

"Tomorrow is Friday so... You can go to daycare and say goodbye to all of your friends!"

I gave her a weak smile. I was still shocked that Sabre was literally and angel, maybe it was... A dream? No! Even my brain can't come up with something so... I dunno, smart?

On Friday(Cuz I'm lazy)

I walked into the daycare, as soon as I got up the stairs, Tina ran over and hugged me as hard as she could, I winced in pain, almost falling over. She let go and began to cry.

"Tina, I have to tell you something..."

Tina's POV

This is it! He was gonna confess his love for me!

"What is it?" I innocently asked


"Come on, say it!"

"I'm moving" He said

I stared at him, my heart sank. I fell to the floor and began to cry. Sabre walked down the stairs and noticed Ryan was back, Ryan pushed passed me and grabbed Sabre's hand pulling him back up the stairs where he had just come from. I began to cry more, but soon stopped realizing there was npthing left for me to do about this situation.

End Of Chapter

Hey guys! I stayed up til' 1 a.m. creating this chapter, so I hope you like it!!!!
Word count: 547 words

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