Just Tell Me Why

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The air was filled with smoke and sirens. i sat on the curb, opposite the blazing house. My house. i watched as all my memories came burning down. Earlier a police woman had draped a thin blanket around my shoulders, before leaving to keep back the neighbours. I laughed bitterely at the thought. I had practically just watched my parents die and they couldn't give me more than  a second of their time.

I felt someone sit beside me, pulling me from my thoughts

"Hey" he said gently

"Hi" i whispered, i wasn't sure if he had heard me

"How are you?"

"Caden, I..." my voice choked up before i could finish. Caden pulled me closer to him, cradling me in his arms

"Shhh, stupid question i know" i saw a paramedic watching us from a distance, she cautiously approached us.

"Casey Williams?"

"Uh, yes?" my throat was dry making my voice hoarse

"We need to take you to the hospital, just for a check up. Make sure everything's ok"

"Can he come?" i nodded towards Caden

"Sure, follow me" she walked over to an ambulance and opened up the back doors, then went to sit in the driver's seat.

The drive to the hospital didn't take long. We followed  the paramedic into a small private room near the A+E section. Not long after the paramedic had left, a small blonde woman walked in

"Hello Casey is it?" i nodded and she continued talking "I'm Dr Ashforth, can i get you to hop up onto the bed please" i did as i was told whilst Dr Ashforth checked my body for anything serious.

"Okay Casey everything seems to be ok, just a few minor cuts and bruises. Although you do have a small burn, about the size of your hand I'd say on your left shoulder blade which i'll need to clean and bandage up" i nodded and winced as the disenfected cloth came into contact with the burn.

"You'll need to keep the bandage on for two weeks after that it should be good, just a small bit of scarring. If after two weeks it  hasn't cleared up then contact the hospital, you'll also need to wear this waterproof cover whilst in the shower" i thanked her before leaving to find Caden, he had left to give us some privacy. I soon found him sitting on a small bench. I sighed and sat next to him

"Hey," he jumped a bit when i spoke

"Hi, you okay?"

"I suppose i have to be" i looked at him, he smiled sadly. I cuddled closer, breathing in his pepperminty scent. We just sat for a while, not talking. We didn't need to.

"Am I interrupting?" A stern looking woman stood over us, her grey/silver hair slicked back into a bun. She looked at me sympathetically

"Ahem no, we were just..." i broke off  "Um who are you?"

"Oh I'm Sarah Anthony,  I'm from social services"

"Wow, that was fast" i commented

"Yes, well since you're not eighteen yet, we've had to find you a temporary family to stay with"

"Okay um who are they? Where do they live?" i questioned, glancing at Caden who just shrugged his shoulders

"It's a family of four, there's the mum Anne, step-dad Robin, son Harry who i think is a year older than  you and a daughter called Gemma who is four years older. They live in a small village in Chesire called Homes Chapel" my heart dropped at that last part,

"What?! Chesire, that's ages away!" i turned to Caden "I'm not going, I'm not leaving you." Caden turned away refusing to meet my pleading gaze. A single tear rolled down my cheek. Caden saw and grabbed me into a tight hug, as more tears flowed from my eyes

"It's gonna be ok, but you have to go to Chesire. Call it a fresh start"

"No! I'm not leaving you Caden" i whined realising how childish I sounded. The social worker snorted

"He your boyfriend?" She obviously disapproved of 'young love'

"No actually, he's my best friend. He has a girlfriend." i snapped

"Right well, the Styles family will be here to pick you up at the train station tomorrow at 11am, you can stay with him tonight" She waved a disregarding hand in Caden's direction befoer walking to her car and driving off. i watched her go before Caden put his arm around me, guiding me away from the hospital,

"C'mon babe, you need some sleep"



Hey, okay this is my first fanfic let me know what you think. i know my punctuation sucks just ignore it, i'll try and get the second chapter up asap :)

scarlet x

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