quranic quotes

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‏( ﺭَﺑَّﻨَﺎ ﻻَ ﺗُﺰِﻍْ ﻗُﻠُﻮﺑَﻨَﺎ ﺑَﻌْﺪَ ﺇِﺫْ ﻫَﺪَﻳْﺘَﻨَﺎ ﻭَﻫَﺐْ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ﻣِﻦ ﻟَّﺪُﻧﻚَ ﺭَﺣْﻤَﺔً ﺇِﻧَّﻚَ ﺃَﻧﺖَ
ﺍﻟْﻮَﻫَّﺎﺏُ ‏) ‏[ﺁﻝ ﻋﻤﺮﺍﻥ8/ ‏]
“ Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after
You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly,
You are the Bestower.” (3/8 ‏)
-5 ‏( ﺭَﺑَّﻨَﺎ ﺇِﻧَّﻨَﺎ ﺁﻣَﻨَّﺎ ﻓَﺎﻏْﻔِﺮْ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ﺫُﻧُﻮﺑَﻨَﺎ ﻭَﻗِﻨَﺎ ﻋَﺬَﺍﺏَ ﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﺭِ ‏) ‏[ﺁﻝ ﻋﻤﺮﺍﻥ16/ ‏]
“ Our Lord! We have indeed believed, so forgive us our sins
and save us from the punishment of the Fire.” (3/16 ‏)
-6 ‏(ﺭَﺏِّ ﻫَﺐْ ﻟِﻲ ﻣِﻦ ﻟَّﺪُﻧْﻚَ ﺫُﺭِّﻳَّﺔً ﻃَﻴِّﺒَﺔً ﺇِﻧَّﻚَ ﺳَﻤِﻴﻊُ ﺍﻟﺪُّﻋَﺎﺀ ‏) ‏[ﺁﻝ ﻋﻤﺮﺍﻥ38/ ‏]
“ O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are
indeed the All-Hearer of invocation.” (3/38 ‏)
-7 ‏( ﺭَﺑَّﻨَﺎ ﺁﻣَﻨَّﺎ ﺑِﻤَﺎ ﺃَﻧﺰَﻟْﺖَ ﻭَﺍﺗَّﺒَﻌْﻨَﺎ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺳُﻮﻝَ ﻓَﺎﻛْﺘُﺒْﻨَﺎ ﻣَﻊَ ﺍﻟﺸَّﺎﻫِﺪِﻳﻦَ ‏) ‏[ﺁﻝ
ﻋﻤﺮﺍﻥ53/ ‏]
“ Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we
follow the Messenger; so write us down among those who
bear witness.” (3/53

📖 Quote from the Holy Quran, An-Nahl (16:128)

إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ مُحْسِنُونَ

Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good.

Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good

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Du’as when leaving the home

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Du’as when leaving the home

1. When one leaves the house, he/she should recite

🤲🏻 ‘Bismillahi tawakkaltu _‘alallahi _la hawla _wala quwwata illa billah’.

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