His Eyes

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Maggie got up from her bed that she and Glenn share. She quietly left the dark room with Glenn's light snores. Maggie put her dark blue coat on. She opened the door lightly and dashed out. This was something she would do since they first moved in Alexandria. She went up by the main gate and waited for his presence. She knew he had been flirting with recently widowed Jessie. She hated it. Hated how he made her laugh. Hated how he cared about her. Hated how much time they spent together.

She knew Jessie was a good woman. Perfect to grow up with. She was perfect. Know wonder why Rick started to fall for her. She was perfect. She wouldn't be cheated on her husband. She wouldn't be pregnant with another man's child. She was perfect. I teared up and felt a cold breeze throughout my body.

"You okay?" I heard his southern drawl come out of the dark

"Yeah, just thinking," I told him

"Tell me" he spoke softly but somehow roughly

"you wouldn't like it," I told him while wiping my tears

"why's that?" he asked and pressed his body behind mine

"it's about... Jessie" I muttered out and he chuckled. I then asked him "what?" and I turned around.

"you ain't got to worry about her," he calmly said,

"why?" I asked him looking him deep in his eyes

"you're the only woman I want," he told me making me smile.

"I love you," I said and wrapped around his fit body. I put my head on his shoulder while he held me. I closed my eyes and smelt his scent. His natural scent with a twinge of mint. He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too," he said softly and we remained in the position for a while till he pulled back. I looked at him with sadness.

"I don't want to go back," I told him he pushed a hair off my face and around my ear. He smiled and I felt my heart flutter. I stared at his lips then to his eyes. They were full of mischief and happiness.

"Then stay," he said

"you know I can't," I told him and he nodded in sadness.

"At least stay with me for a bit," he said softly and I nodded. I saw him staring at my plump lips. He licked his and went up close to me. I brought my face up to him and I went up to kiss him. He twisted his head and grabbed my face not rough, but softly. I pushed my hands through his hair and moaned into his mouth. We finally pulled back needed to get air.

"I have to go," I told him with sadness in my voice

"Okay," he said and smiled " tomorrow... same time?" he asked

"Yeah, of course," I told him and kissed him one last time. I pulled back and looked in his eyes once more. I started to walk away from him.

"Bye, Mags," he said while I left him in the dark

"Bye, Rick," I told him and walked towards mine and Glenn's house.


I haven't made a one-shot for a while and I wanted to write about a secret Rick and Maggie relationship in Alexandria. I hope everyone enjoyed it and I have a story in mind and ill probably post the chapter next Friday or some other day. By the way sorry it's so short. Have an amazing day.

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