Chapter 2: Birth of Aeron

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Aeron walked through the silent streets, thinking about what he should do. He has already become strong. He already has a small army to back him up. There's really only one thing left for him to do, and that's to get his revenge.

His mind made up, Aeron ran silently in the dead of night, jumping from building to building until he came to a dark cave. During the whole trip, he couldn't help but remember. Remember the betrayal. Remember but not feel.

He no longer felt the pain he once did when they betrayed him. All he felt was hatred, thirst for vengeance, and a bit of anticipation.

Aeron came to a stop in front of a dark throne. He turned around and sat down upon it, waiting for the others to arrive.

In minutes, 50 shadows appeared in the room, all looking lethal and absolutely deadly. All of them had knives, swords, bows and crossbows sheathed all around their bodies.

Aeron's POV

I looked at all of my assassins and smirked. The Gods won't see us coming at all.

'It's time, The end of Olympus is near' I said in a dangerous whisper.

Everyone in the room stood still, each of them eager to kill Olympians. One of them stepped forward, head raised in pride.

'My lord, what's the plan?' She asked.

I smiled cruelly. 'We are going to join the Titans in the war. As the war progresses, we are going to kill the Giants and make it seem as though they died by Olympian hands. Once the Olympians are killed, we will leave the Titans to rule, if they promise to leave the Humans alone' I responded, looking at Nightblade.

Nightblade nodded. 'And what if the Titans don't promise to leave the Humans alone? What then?' She asked.

This time I laughed sadistically. 'Then we will kill them all and rule ourselves' I replied looking around the room and finding everyone nodding their heads in agreement.

'Nightblade, go contact Kronos, tell him the Shadows are his friends. Bring him to me once you're done' I ordered.

Nightblade brought her right fist into her left shoulder and bowed. 'Yes my lord, it shall be done' She said before disappearing into the shadows.

I looked at the rest of my assassins. 'Disperse, don't let the Titan King see you. We shall keep him in the shadows for the moment' I ordered and watched in approval as my assassins disappeared from view in a vortex of shadows, but I can tell they are still present in the room.

20 minutes later, Nightblade shows up again with Kronos behind her. Nightblade bows again before me and disappears into the shadows.

'Lord Kronos, how nice to meet you at last. I assume you know who I am?' I asked.

Kronos narrowed his eyes, but I can easily tell he is afraid of me, he practically reeks fear.

'Yes, you are Lord Aeron, I've heard much about you. Well as much as is available since you don't do interviews' Kronos replied with a weary smile.

I chuckled darkly. 'Good, I'm here to offer assistance in your coming war against the Olympians' I stated rather bluntly.

Kronos' eyes widened in surprise before they shifted into joy. 'Your aid would most assuredly be appreciated. However I'm sure we already have enough aid to kill the Olympians' Kronos said, shifting his feet uncomfortably.

I smiled, though he can't tell since I have a mask that covers my mouth and nose, only leaving my eyes visible.

'Yes, but I doubt you want to rule alongside the Giants, am I correct?' I asked mockingly.

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