Dans Visit

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get up

have a shower

do a video 

at 6:30 am Phils dream of a lie in was shattered, he knew that he wasn't going to get back to sleep so he reluctantly got out of bed and trudged in to the shower. Before he even started to wash he just stood there, the water a little too hot turning his skin pink, he stood there thinking. He hadn't seen Dan in a while, they hadn't even messaged each other for about 5 days. It seems weird for 2 grown men in their twenties to constantly message each other, but it was a rare occasion that Dan and Phil didn't speak everyday 

Phil took a deep breath and tried to distract himself from the thoughts of Dan going round in his head. He loved Dan, that was obvious, but he was't sure in which way. When they first met they were just good friends, they had a laugh together and did stupid things like draw cat whiskers on each other, but now there relationship was very different. Phil wasn't sure what had changed it all he knew was that it was far more intense. Dan helped Phil more than he was even aware of. When Dan was around Phil was happy, he felt on top of the world and like nothing could go wrong. Dan, of course, had no idea about the effect he had on Phil and, again, if he did he would probably run very far away.

Just as Phil was about to set up the camera to record another video there was a knock at the door. He got up and cautiously looked through the peep hole in the middle of the door. He couldn't believe it, as if he had read his mind, there he was. Daniel Howell. As always Dan looked flawless, his brown hair had been recently cut in to his normal side fringe, he was wearing skinny jeans and a Mario Bros t-shirt. Phil couldn't help but laugh at this, no matter how old Dan was he was always going to be a nerd. Like normal Dan was munching on maltesers as Phil opened the door and gave him a huge hug.

"hey man, long time no see" Dan chuckled ad he walked through the door and made himself comfortable on the couch.

"yeah i know, it has been too long" Phil replied

far too long he thought to himself as he went and joined Dan on the couch. Just as Phil was about to get comfortable he noticed that Dan wasn't himself, he had a strange look on his face, he looked kind of.. nervous. 

"Dan, whats the matter?" Phil desperately tried to sound casual and not like an over paranoid parent "Is everything okay?"

Dan shook his head.

oh my god. what is wrong? what could possibly be wrong with him? is he ill? has he lost all his money? does he need to move back here? has someone died? is he dying?

Hundreds of questions were flying around in Phils head, the worst part was that he knew it was going to effect him badly. Dan wouldn't just pop round if he was a bit sad or if something minor had happened. Something has happened, or is happening, or will happen that Phil isn't going to like. 

"whats wrong? C'mon you can tell me" Phil had to concentrate on every single word he said to stop himself from freaking out and having another panic attack. 

Dan re-adjusted his position on the sofa so that he was directly looking at Phil, he took a few deep breaths and pursed his lips. 

"Phil, i have something to tell you" He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as if he was trying to find a nice way to say it. 

"i'm leaving. I'm leaving England, I'm leaving everything."

Phils heart dropped. Dan can't leave. Why would he leave? What was he supposed to do without him? He thought for a long time to try and come up with a rational answer that didnt sound like he was begging Dan to stay. 

"What? You can't be serious? Why are you leaving?" the crack in his voice was obvious and he could see Dan trying to ignore it. 

"I hate it here" Dan replied "there is no reason for me to stay, i don't have a girlfriend, i'm not very close with my family anymore, i'm almost 24 Phil, i need to see more than just England"

"Well you have me! C'mon can't you just go on holiday? Where are you even going to go?"


"AUSTRALIA?" Phil could no longer hide his emotions "THATS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD? YOU CAN'T DAN YOU JUST CAN'T" He looked at Dan, desperate for him to take it back and say it was a joke, desperate for him to say that he was staying. Dan looked a little bit resentful, he stood up and picked up his bag. Phil was slightly taken back, he didn't even realise dan had a bag on him when he came in.

"I need to get away Phil. I need to get away from you, from London from everything"

"But... But why?"

"I need a change, i don't want anything to do with anyone anymore, i need to start a new life. My plane leaves in about 5 hours." He started to make his way to the door.

"Please Dan, please stay. I'm begging you, please"

Dan turned around to look at Phil and sighed. He raised his two fingers in a salute motion

"chow" he said as he walked out the door.

That was it. Dan was gone.

Less amazing, still PhilWhere stories live. Discover now