secrecy and karma

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Later that night, after dinner
Ben and Caitlin's mansion
Belle's POV

As we crept towards the bathroom, we heard a long bang on our bedroom door making both of us stop instantly and stare at each other with eyes as big as saucers.
"Maybe if we just don't answer?" Michael whispered, near to no sound coming out of his mouth. I nod, furrowing my brows.
"Hello? It's Ben! Guys?" We hear loud and clear. I get a sense of relief, and I see Michael does too as both of us let out a deep breath as our shoulders relax. But, we still have the same mentality of possibly ignoring him and continuing to look in the forbidden cupboards.
"Guys! I got you something." Ben sounds slightly adgitated as he knows we're in here and must simply be ignoring him.
Michael rolls his eyes and puts up his index finger, indicating for me to wait a second, so I stand firmly in the doorway to the bathroom and cross my arms impatiently but understandingly.
"Hey man, sorry we were on the balcony and could barely hear you. What's up?" I hear Michael say in the other room, his voice slightly muffled but still having that bouncy, uplifting sound that I fell for.
"Oh, that's alright man. Everything okay? Do you need anything?" Ben chirps back.
"Nah, I think we're alright, thanks." Michael replies.
"Right! Well, I brought you some towels because Belle said she forgot to lay some on your bed." Ben chuckles.
"Ah, thankyou. They're perfect." Michael takes the towels and tosses them on the bed gently.
"Right, well, see you in the morning. Tell Belle I say goodnight." Ben says.
"I will do! Thanks again, night Ben." Michael says quickly shutting the door. I instantly hear slow footsteps come towards me on the carpet, making me laugh at how hard he's trying to be quiet.
"We're allowed in the bathroom, you know?" I laugh taking his hand and pulling him to the bathroom as he is taking so long.
"Yes, but you never know where Caitlin could be at any point. She's a crazy bitch." Michael whispered with a smile.
"She's not that bad." I crack up like an egg.
"Oh, alright." Michael says with a huge grin, reminding me just how beautiful this man is.

"Ready?" Michael raises his eyebrows at me, his hands wrapped around the handles of the bathroom cupboards. The cupboard was a warm shade of mahogany, the handles a simple black. This bathroom was fairly lowkey compared to the rest of the house, and that says a lot as this room is a million dollars within itself.
"It's just gonna be toiletries after all this, isn't it?" I laugh. "But yes, go."
He quickly pulls the cupboards open, so forcefully they almost unhinge. We both gasp and quickly crouch down to see what's inside. It's so dark we can't even see further than a centimetre into it.
"What is this?" Michael and I mutter in unison.
"And what do you think you're doing?" We hear a female voice bellowing behind us. We both whip our heads behind us, and surely enough, it's Caitlin.
Michael and I just stay crouched beside the broken-into cupboard, jaws dropped staring up at her, speechless.

"Excuse me? The one thing I told you idiots not to do, you do? Oh and who's house is this again? What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Caitlin shrieks, her hands on her hips.
I admit, we are completley wrong in this scenario. But she was being very over the top as usual. As truly all we did was open a cupboard.
"I'm sorry." Michael stutters standing up and brushing the dust off of his trousers.
"Sorry? You think sorry will make up for this?" She shouts, patronizingly.
"It wasn't Mike, it was all me. I'm sorry. We'll shut it." I say.
"Yeah, you'll shut it. And you'll get the hell out of my mansion." She pushes us out of the way carelessly and slams the cupboard doors shut, but trips over a hand towel on the ground and falls into the cupboard and out of our sight.
Michael and I gasp and say "What the fuck!" in sync.
"What do we ..... what?" Michael frowns.
"Where did she ..... what?" I say staring down the cupboard.

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