Where are you (8)

249 11 5

(Same day ^)

Graysons POV 

When I looked up and didn't see Ethan I got a weird vibe. I looked around the classroom to see if he just went to sharpen his pencil or go talk to the teacher or something. 

But once I saw that he was no longer in the study hall class room I began to get a little worried. Not because I don't trust him or anything but he has been acting very weird lately. Like getting really touchy with Lulu. He said that they were just a thing so that people wouldn't "suspect" anything between us. I want to believe him because you know I really trust him and stuff but hes been distant. 

He doesn't want to cuddle anymore or just simple things like hug because hes scared someone is going to "assume"something.

It's kind of annoying. 

It's been about 5 minutes and E is still not back. So me being me I decide to text him to see of he's OK.

G:  Hey where did you go? Everything ok?

E: Yes Gray get back to class

G: OK Love you


Seen really? So that's how it's gong to be. I looked up at the clock that's above the whiteboard in the classroom to notice that we still have 45 minutes left of this class. Seeing this I started to wonder if it would be a smart idea to go and check things out, you know go and make sure everything is actually ok. I decided that I was going  to give him a couple of more minutes before I went to see so I didn't seem like I didn't trust him.

I ended up getting caught up in the book I was reading and 15 minutes had passed, meaning there was only 30 minutes left of this class. My next class I don't have with Ethan so I raised my hand up asked if I could be excused. Once I was given permission I went out of the classroom and firstly went to my locker to get some gum because I was feeling gum. After I saw that Ethan wasn't at his locker which was right next to mine I decided to go to the bathroom. I got to the men's bathroom and went inside to see that literally no one was in there. Great. I just gave up on looking for him so I got my phone out to text him.

G: E where are you

E: No where Grayson stop asking

G: Where are you

E: NO where


I rolled my eyes and let out a big sigh. I decided I didn't want to stay here for the rest of the day. I went to the front office to tell them that I didn't feel good and that I was going to go home. 

Once I left the front gates I headed home.

I got home to what I thought was no one there because my parents were at work and Ethan was supposed to be at school. I went up to MY room and just plopped down. I let out another big sigh.

All of a sudden my door opened up. When I went to turn around to see who it was I was greeted with none other than my boyfriend. The same boyfriend that was refusing to tell me where he was.

I glared at him and rolled my eyes. When all if a sudden I saw someone sneaking out right behind him.

It happened to be the person I never want in this house.

Lulu Gurtru..........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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