Chapter twelve: Hatsu

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"Decimated a whole village! Exterminated an entire clan of people! Men, women and children. Not one survivor! And he did it all by himself. Took the payout and dropped off the map. But thats what happens when MOST people come here. They cease to exist."

The tone in Phinks' voice was hard to label as he relayed the story he had been told, as the two youngsters shared a loaf of stolen bread. It was dry and hard and could have used at least a pound of butter, but beggars couldnt be choosers and Feitan knew he would need his strength, despite not knowing what the lesson of the day was going to be. He sounded impressed, disgusted and worried all at the same time. Sometimes his emotions jumped all over the place to such a degree that Feitan wondered if he had any control over them at all.

"If there no survivors"... he began, stopping to shove the last hunk of his half into his mouth. "How you know its the truth?"

Phinks responded with a shrug. Over the short time the two had become almost inseparable, he had gotten used to his counterpart's constant suspicion. "One of the elders told me. They know everything about everyone. There are only two things those old geezers seem to enjoy. Arguing with each other and talking smack."

Brushing the crumbs off his hands on the front of his already dirty shirt, Feitan rose to his feet and took a good long moment to stretch. Shoveling down the last husk of bread, Phinks proceeded to do the same.

"You stay", Feitan commanded, using the same tone one would with a dog. "Be back later."

The older boy groaned in protest. He hated being left behind. "But I want to see his Hatsu. It has to be powerful. To have taken out a whole village. Come on Fei. I've been practicing my Zetsu."

"No you havent", he shot back, even going as far as to offer the smallest of chuckles at the bold faced lie. "How you even know if he do it?"

Phinks shook his head. "Thats how it works. Dont forget, Ive done this before." Extending a hand be began ticking off fingers. "Ten. Zetsu. Ren. Hatsu. You will probably need ten lessons before you find yours... but he will show his own. I bet you... a thousand Jenny."

This time, Feitan didnt hold back his laugh, the sound filling in all the empty spaces of the small hovel the two boys practically shared now. "You dont have a thousand Jenny. Stay. Not going to argue. Find something to do."

"Fine", Phinks finally agreed, plopping back down on the ground. "But you better tell me everything."

There was no agreement or disagreement, as Feitan shoved aside the blanket that served as a door and stepped out into the blazing summer sun.

"IF you ever make it back"... Phinks grumbled to himself, kicking at a clod of dust, as his only friend disappeared from sight.

The sun was merciless as the small, dark haired boy trudged off to his next lesson. It was not a far walk, but by the time the old Master's hut came into view over the horizon, sweat had dampened the hair that fringed his forehead and completely soaked the nape of his neck. It was going to be a long day.

As usual, the old Master was waiting for him, puffing a cigarette, with his favourite beating stick laid out across his lap. The old man must have been feeling the heat too. Instead of wearing his shirt, it was wrapped around his head like some kind sloppy turban and as Feitan got closer, he could see a torso full of old battle scars. They crisscrossed across aging skin, in no particular pattern, leading the youngster to believe that each one was earned at a different point in time. If he could count them all, he might have been able to predict just how many fights the old man had gotten himself into. That would give him something interesting to bring back to Phinks. He scoffed at himself as he realized how foolish of a notion it was. Even when the big, blonde idiot wasnt around, he acted as a distraction.

SonataOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora