Chapter6 june 25

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Dear fucked up diary~

Just to start out your ganna be filled with problems. So be prepaired. I'm only doing this for my mom, so she better be very happy with me for this.

Let me start off hi. My name is Ashlyn Chris Woods. I hate my middle name because my dad named me that. and it's a boy name.

I've got multiple brothers and sisters.

I'm 16 years old.

I'm currently my brothers girlfriend.

I was raped and beat by my dad and his friends.A lot.

My mom takes drugs and gets drunk a lot.

My brother Rory is gay.

I'm not a virgin. I lost my virginity to jase. (My brother)

I think that's all for now. But if I have any other problems. I'll talk to you about it.

Thank you diary



I put the fucked up diary down along with the purple pen. Jase got it for me for my birthday :)

Speaking of the devil he wallis into my room and smiles.

"Ashton took Muffin out for some food, moms passed out on the couch, Brea is at... Oh only god knows that. So it's just you and me. What's this you've got?" Jase points to my diary.

"It's my new fucked up diary I got from mom."

"May I read it?"

"No. Sorry babe. Personal stuff ya know?" I feel bad now cuz the look on his face was really sad, but cute.

"Ya I get it. Oh no you've got, something on your face." He comes closer to me puts his forehead on mine, leans in and presses his lips gently on mine.

I giggle. He's so adorable when he does that.

We've been making out for about 30 minutes. He unstraps my bra.

"Jase. I'm not ready. And the guys could come home any second."

"God Ashlyn. Why are you being such a pussy?! You know I could leave you for any girl I want. But i chose you. So stop being a pussy, and start being more sexual."

Life is good. life is great. It could be worse.

Right at that moment Rory and Ashton walk in. So I was kinda right.

I wouldn't blame him for leaving me. He doesn't deserve me. That's okay. I don't need any one.

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