Weeks later

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Hazel prove

*i woke up by my brother coming in*

Bryan:get up
Tommy:come lazy
Cole:I'm opening up the blinds

*thats when the sun it my face*

Hazel:you idiots come here

*we all ran to the living room were are parents were and they were looking at use weird....I jump on Lucas back and he falls down*

Lucas:guys help
Gabe:guys we have to help Lucas
Cole:he is on his own body I'm sorry....ahhh she is in here
Hazel:come here
Tommy:ahh she got me

*caleb runs outside and I got after him and he falls right in the pool*

Lily:caleb!!! Omg!!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Nice one hazel

*i high five her*

Lucas:got you
Hazel:ahh put me down

*he throws me in the pool and I was on the deep side and I kept on going down and up and i realize I can't swim*

Cole:ahh you wet
Tommy:nice try we're not falling for it
Hazel:ahh help help I'm drowning
Lucas:are you nuts

Lucas prove

Lucas:are you nuts

*i jumped in and grabbed my sister and she was kicking and screaming*

Lucas:hey hey hey it's me

*hazel starts to cry*

Hazel:I thought I was g....g....going t....to d....drown
Lucas:not on my watch little sister....shh it's okay I'm right here

*she starts to cry on my wet shoulders...cause I only sleep in my pajama pants*

Cole:yeah we know we shouldn't have
Lucas:correct!! Why and I the responsible one here
Caleb:we're sorry
Lucas:yeah yeah I know...come on hazel let's go wash you up
Ryan:yeah what happen why is my baby crying
Lucas:one of the boys grabbed hazel and push in the deep pool
Ryan:here I can wash her up
Lucas:nah it's cool I got her
Ryan:ok thx Lucas
Lucas:your welcome

*i put hazel in the bath....I mean like she only 4 she doesn't even show yet so yeah.....I started to do her hair and and condition it and I left the bathroom we're she can do the rest....she came out with her towel*

Lucas:here you go I'm gonna got take a shower okay
Lucas:shh it's okay I love you
Hazel:I Lowe you to

*i gave her a kiss on the forehead and left the room*

Hazel prove

*i got done crying and put on clothes and headed down stairs*


Ryan:hey hazel you all right
Hazel:yeah I'm just hungry and tired
Ryan:oaky lets go eat dinner

*we were all eating and going to bed*

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