Hey Stranger

36 9 11

It's now 3:00 in the afternoon and classes are about to end in 30 minutes.

I'm just here sitting, not listening to this boring lecture as I find this subject uninteresting.

I just can't help but think of what Alex had told me last night. He said we were going to meet for the first time and it's all his treat, like any gentleman would do.

I'm excited, but... I kinda have this eerie feeling of what's gonna happen... Or maybe it's just my imagination...

Actually... Nevermind!

[Mysterious Person POV]

Roses are red

Violets are blue

There's something that you should doubt,

I wonder how everthing will turn out?

I'm excited for this fun little date. HAHAHAHA

[3rd POV]

After school, Isabel directly went home and ate an afternoon snack of turon and coke. After which, she went upstairs to her room to change her clothes and now she's sitting at her desk chair.

[Isabel's POV]

Argh! Finally classes are over. School is such a waste of time, it deprives us 8 to 10 hours of our time 5 times a week. And drains us physically, mentally and financially.

Thank God the teachers didn't give us any homework to do, I don't feel like doing anything tonight. I just want to lay in my bed and socialize.

It's still 5:45, so I guess I have lots of time to do whatever I want. Might as well check my phone first.

*checks *

Oh~ I got some notifications from him, I wonder what it could be.

:Are you available on Saturday? 7pm at Uranus Cafe.

Saturday? Holy crap thats the day after tomorrow, I can't believe that this is actually going to happen. I better prepare for what to wear and what makeup to put on.

But wait... of all the time on Saturday, why choose 7pm? Isn't that kinda late? What is that man planning to do...

[Mysterious Person POV]

When the hand points seven,

My victims will finally be numbered even.

I wonder how this eight one tastes like.

Man oh man I'm craving for a bite.

[Isabel's Mom POV]

"Sabel! Time for dinner"

What is that girl doing? She's been awfully quiet the past 3 hours. I'd better go check on her.

*goes to Isabel's room*



There seems to be no response, might as we'll go in.

"Sabel? Dear? " As I go in, I noticed how clean and tidy her room is, wow, what a great daughter I am blessed with.

Awh~ She's sleeping, I miss my little Isabel, she used to always be at my side growing up, now she's a teenager, how time flies.

*shakes lightly*

"Dear, time for dinner, wake up"

[3rd POV]

Hey Stranger #makeITsafePH (One Shot) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt