Chapter one: Meeting the nephews

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( Crystal p.o.v. )

Right now I'm on my way to the money bin where my husband Scrooge McDuck is swimming in his three cubic-acre vault of cash so I can tell him that we need to leave so we're not late in picking up our nephews so Donald can leave with his new navy crew to see the world but Scrooge isn't to keen on the idea when I reach the bin I can hear Scrooge sing. I love money I do I do. I love to swim in it like a porpoise barrow though it like a gopher then toss it up and let it hit me on the head. Scrooge said. Scrooge darling it's time to go met up with Donald and the boys. I said then he looked at his watch. Oh so it is thanks dear. he said. So, with a quick change out of his swimsuit and into his normal attire as we we're make our way to see Donald off and to pick up the boys but as we past a lady that was ringing a bell. money for the poor. but as we past her. please sir, mam will you spar some change for the poor. the lady said. Their not worth it. Scrooge said while I put in a dallier. Oh thank you miss. the lady said then we past a lady that was giving free samples of cheese. try a sample. the other lady said. No. Scrooge said as he walked by. But Scrooge darling samples means free. I said. Free? Scrooge asked I nodded. yes. I said. then he went back towards the lady with the tray of cheese. Can I take more then one? Scrooge asked the lady nodded. yes. the lady said Scrooge then took off his hat then took the the tray and dumped the whole thing of cheese then gave the tray back to the lady. see ya tomorrow. Scrooge said then we walked away from her a little later he looked at his watch. we'll never make it unless I call for a cab. Scrooge said nervously. Don't worry I'll pay for it. I said. Really? he asked I nodded. yeah. I said. Ah thank you dear your a life saver. Scrooge said then he kissed my cheek so that's what we did.

( Donald p.o.v. )

I was just saying goodbye to my nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, leaving them in the care of my Uncle Scrooge and Aunt Crystal while I'm away the boys are not very keen on staying with Scrooge for an indefinite period, and Scrooge is not keen about the idea either, but their the only ones that I trust to take care of the boys. Now, while I'm in the Navy, boys, you mind your Uncle Scrooge and Aunt Crystal. I said. We don't mind Aunt Crystal but Unca's Scrooge he's so cheap! Huey said. Yeah. But he's family. Okay, Huey? I asked. Yes, Uncle Donald. Huey said. No back talk, Dewey. I said No, Uncle Donald. Dewey said. Louie, be good. And no spitballs. I said. Uh, yes and no, Uncle Donald. Louie said. And one more thing. they all looked at me waiting for me to finish what ever I have to say. Give me a big hug good bye. I said they all ran up to me and gave the biggest hug they ever could just then a cab showed up. There's Mr. cheapskate now. Dewey said after Aunt Crystal pay the cab and Uncle throws something at the driver the walk over to where we are.

( Scrooge p.o.v. )

Donald, you can't be serious about this crazy idea. There's no profit in it. I said once me and Crystal had reach where they were. But I've already enlisted, Uncle Scrooge. I wanna see the world! Donald said. So I'll buy you a globe I said. Don't lesson to him Donald we're both proud of you now you go and have fun seeing the world and don't worry we'll take good care of the boys. Crystal said as she hugs the boys while waving to Donald. I know you two will your the only ones that I trust to look after the boys. Donald said as he sails away.

( Crystal p.o.v. )

After Donald leaves me and Scrooge bring the boys back to our mansion but on the way to the mansion I had learned that the boys will be staying and receiving their meals as well their mail in a attic I was so mad about that but there was nothing I could do about it once there Scrooge use his cane to knock on the door our butler Duckworth answers the door to let us in once in the boys look around in amazement while they do that our pure White Siberian Husky named Arya comes running down the stairs to greet us. Oh wow a palace, a butler and a dog you know maybe living with Aunt Crystal and Uncle Scrooge wont be so bad after all. the one in red Huey said making me smile that is until I remember where they will be staying making my smile fade and cringe a little but then I smiled a small smile and walked up to the boys then I petted Arya. She's a Siberian Husky her name is Arya you can pet her if you like she's very friendly. I said so they do. Wow she's so soft. the one in blue Dewey said. Yeah real soft and your right Aunt Crystal she's is friendly. Huey said. Yeah like real friendly. the one in green Louie said as he was being licked in the face by Arya making him giggle. It seems that the boys really take a liking to Arya and she to the boys. Scrooge said as he pulled me to his side with his arm around my waist. Yes they all have bonded quite well in just a short amount of time. I said as both me and Scrooge watched as Duckworth lead the boys up stairs to their "new room" once they were gone I slapped his hand off my waist turned towards him gave him the dirtiest look imaginable then just frowned before shaking my head then headed up stairs to our shared room but before I was out of ear shot heard him say. Was it something I said or did? Scrooge asked himself in a very confused tone once I reach our room I did what I had to do to get ready for bed it's been along day and something tells me that the rest of the week is going to be just as long if not longer it wasn't long before Scrooge came up to join me in bed and with a quick goodnight to each other we both went to sleep.

Family adventures ( Scrooge McDuck love story book two )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن