Full of sweetness (fluff)

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Ink laid back effortlessly suspended high in the endless cascade of light yellow, the various and diverse au's represented on paper surrounding him. He had one hand to his mouth in thought, occasionally reaching out to a pen in excitement, only to immediately pull back as he pondered more. Nothing seemed to be good enough. Ink has been in a sort of relationship with Error for a while, but with no intimacy or physical contact at all for that matter. And of course for someone like Ink, it wasn't going to stay that way forever. He was currently wracking his brain for a way to change it, without sending Error's comfort off a cliff. Well, not completely anyway. His mind continued to force itself through a wave of different concepts, all more different than the last. At first glance, the, rather too ambitious skeleton, figured he'd knock this conundrum straight out of the park. But, this was Error, something he consistently reminded himself of whenever his idea seemed to be too good to be true, which it always turned out to be. Ink seemed to aim his thoughts closer to him, although they both have been through some prudent hatred for each other in the past, there was no denying that if someone knew Error better than anyone else, it would be Ink. Thoughts of the fore mentioned glitched skeleton began to infect Ink's thoughts. His complex perfect eyes, beautiful complex colors, his secret compassion and care, his deep consuming voice, the way he looks when he eats...

Inks posture shot out of its relaxed position.

Chocolate. If there is anything Error would love more than anything, it was chocolate. And naturally, Ink would want Error to have a pleasant experience when he tried to go further with physical contact towards him. Ink giggled as a rush of giddiness and excitement filled his bones. All he needed now was a rush of sugar to go with it. He almost flew himself into a spiral as the small figure rushed to a blinding portal he summoned a short second ago. He was going to make sure he made all this worth while for the both of them.

White filled a endless space, no clear walls or ceilings, only shadows defining the floor. The aforementioned shadows had come from a small space filled with assorted stolen goods, and a sleeping Error to go with it. He'd been watching whatever appeared on portals he presented, eventually letting sleep take ahold as he accepted that his favourite Spanish, monster filled drama was no where to be found. Everything was quiet, apart from the shuffling and rather abrupt snores from the sleeping being. But faintly, could be heard a soft sound of continuous fuzz. The source of the somewhat pleasant sound was from the mild glitching the skeleton had lacing his body. Error was never exactly self conscious of any of this, not after Ink confessed for his natural noises to be calming to him. Complete silence would always only be trauma for Ink, so even snores would be a good substitute. Even then, even without that fear, Ink would always be able to have all his worries drift away whenever he heard Error's soft glitching. It was impossible for Ink not to be tranquil when he heard it. Error's eye sockets shifted, twitching as a intruding sound made its way through his skull. He groaned and moved his body forward, not bothering to get up off the plush cushion, of course. Eyes still closed and mind oblivious, Error felt a figure loom over him. As soon as his eye lids (wait what eye lids) departed from each other, a small being landed them self in his lap. He jolted, before pausing realising it was his, well guess you could say, his boyfriend. He groggily groaned, before letting out a yawn, extending his arms outward. Ink smiled as he tilted his head, loving seeing his significant other being himself. A giggle escaped his mouth, his hand reaching up to his mouth, the other hidden behind his back. Error immediately felt heat on his face, hearing Ink's harmonious voice never failed to flatter him. "It appears there's a lost squid on my lap." He spoke teasingly. Ink's grin grew wider before replying with a short, "Yep." Error kept a grin on his face, until he lost it forcefully. "Yeah, skittles you're gonna need to get the hell off." This only made the smaller skeleton giggle more, the others face heating up as he watched him laugh. "Hehe, I think you're going to want me to stay this time glitchy," Ink continued, reaching one hand to make contact with the one behind his back, "open your mouth." He requested, his eyelids drooped slightly, a look of lust in the shapes of his pupils. "No, you're going to tell me why-" The larger being was interrupted as a piece of dark brown, solid hardened cocoa was placed on one of his exposed tongues. Pausing, he looked down, almost not surprised in the slightest at Ink. The rich candy began to melt on his tongue, motivating him to take it in his mouth, as he began savouring it. The skeleton positioned on the larger's lap beamed, thrilled to see the response the other had. "Huh..." Error looked down at Ink, finishing the small treat, before his face was filled with calmness. Ink finally reviled the tastefully colored heart shaped box from behind his back. A giggle filled the wallless space, as Ink took another one out, gently taking the hardened treat between his finger tips, almost teasingly. Error began to rummage his lips, searching for the now absent addictive taste. He had a look of a predator in his eyes, looking at Ink with hunger. The artist's smirk grew, but stayed soft. "Want another one?" He beaconed, it was as if holding a large piece of red meat in front of a beast, but with absolutely no fear lacing his voice, only anticipation. Error's gaze on him became threatening, clear that he would make a move soon. Ink opened his mouth, his single moist tongue presented itself to Error, before the treat grew closer to it. Ink had given Error a small squeal of excitement, before placing the treat on his tongue. Error immediately acted, roughly tugging at the petite creature's waist and lunging his tongues into his mouth. Ink let out a squeak as he did this, almost surprised at Error's eagerness and how little to none hesitation he had. Error's tongue began to ravage Ink's mouth, effortlessly able to touch every part of Ink's mouth with his tongue. The taste of sweetness filled both of their mouths, but Error was sure not all the sweetness came from the chocolate. He lunged forward, pinning his lover to the floor, his wrists tightly in a grasp as Error tasted him. The sweet was now long gone, all Error cared about was how sweet it was to taste Ink himself. It was a mix of a fresh taste, but engulfed with this sweet tasting sensation that only reminded Error that he should have Ink as his one and only treat. Ink squirmed under neath the strong figure, his face completely flushed and body twitching. He felt Error almost grind into him, but that could be his lust tricking him. Error finally parted for small breaths, Ink on the other hand hungrily took in air, moans involuntarily escaping as he did. He whined as Error pulled off. Hearing this, Error grabbed the other's back gently, taking him in between his legs and sitting back on the large cushion, holding Ink close. The smaller was still panting and moaning, Error kissed his face of the flushing feelings it showed. Ink was, for once, the one overwhelmed and now unable to speak due to Error's act of intimacy. Error caressed his small lover's face lovingly. "Thanks for the chocolate, Ink..."

The chocolate was definitely worth it.

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this story is proof this world has no meaning :pensiverat:

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