The Lord Of Light

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"What on earth...what is that?" Chrom asked.

No one could answer. Everyone was in shock. Suddenly, a shockwave occurred, followed by an high pitched buzzing. Everyone cowered, covering their ears in an attempt to stop the noise. Then, it spoke.

"I am Galeem. The lord of light."

"What is this?" Sonic asked. "It's like it's in my head".

"W-what do you want with us? Why are you here?" Zelda asked. She was barely able to say that. It's as if the noise was weakening them.

"I've grown tired of this world. You heroes, as you call yourselves, do nothing but fight. This world is nothing now. I have come to repair it in my vision" Galeem answered. He had a deep voice, like thunder booming.

"Repair it by destroying it? Us alongside it? What kind of fixing will that do?" Isabelle replied back.

"It will destroy you, the cause of this worlds destruction. And from the ashes of this world, will rise a stronger, more peaceful one" Galeem answered.

"You sound...just like...Zanza..." Shulk was able to say.

"Hmm. I know that God you slayed Shulk. The difference between me and him is I will give you a choice" Galeem responded, with a slightly lower, almost friendly voice.

"A choice? What kind" Zelda asked.

"Join me. Become my minions. And I will spare you. You will be alive in the new world, under my control. A better deal then death, wouldn't you agree?" Galeem said. He still sounded friendly, but had a threatening tone to his voice.

"What!? Join you? As your slaves? What kind of deal is that?" Robin asked.

"One where you live" Galeem replied

"I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for everyone here" Dedede replied. "No deal. We won't join you"

"That's right." Palutena chimed in. "I may be the goddess of light, but I'll never bow down to you."

"So that's your decision..." Galeem answered, angrily. "You'll throw your lives away? Fine then. Your choice."

The master hands started moving forward. Galeem started floating back, towards a cliff, over looking the sea.

"Then I shall watch here. While you waste your lives in vain" Galeem said. The friendliness in his voice gone. This time, he meant business.

"Everyone, heads up! Looks like we're fighting again." Pokemon Trainer called out.

"Robin, I suppose you have a strategy?" Chrom asked

"You know me too well Chrom." Robin  replied, flashing a grin. How he could stay positive in such a dark time, no one could guess.

"Listen up everyone!" Robin called out. "I propose we split into two groups. The first will be bigger, called Squad Strike. They will engage the Master Hands. Your goal will be to push them back, or at least hold them. The second, smaller team will be Squad Recon. We need you to evacuate the civilians, find survival of the first attack, and get them far from the city. Then regroup and join us." Robin said. Everyone agreed with the plan.

Pokemon Trainer was the first to volunteer for Squad Recon.

"Me and the pokemon will all be on Recon. Charizard and I will be in the sky and call out survivors we see. Lucario, use your aura to find more on ground level. Mewtwo, use your psychic powers to help Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pichu, and Inciniroar lift rubble pinning anyone. Got it guys?"

All the pokemon called out in excitement, the ground team already running to search.

Pokemon Trainer turned to Pikachu.

"Pikachu. I want you on Squad Strike. Got it".

Pikachu gave an affirmative Pikachu, and leaped onto Samus's shoulder.

"Ever since you saved him from that powerplant Tabbu trapped him in, he's really taken a liking to you. You mind looking after him for me?" Pokemon Trainer asked.

"Sure. I'll look after him" Samus replied, while patting Pikachu on the head. Samus sounds unhappy, be everyone could see her smile underneath her green visor.

"I'll go Recon too" Lucas said. "I can use my PSI to lift any rubble".

"Lucas..." Ness said, sadly.

"I'll be fine Ness" Lucas replied confidently. "Take care out there."

Lucas ran off, Ness clearly worried, but didn't try to stop Lucas again.

"I'll look after him." Dark Pit said suddenly. "I'll be able to help in the sky too."

"Pittoo!? You're gonna look after Lucas?" Pit asked, surprised. Everyone was.

"Heh. I just don't feel like fighting today. Good luck out there Pit stain." Dark Pit responded. "Palutena, mind giving me the power of flight?"

"Of course" Palutena responded.

With the power of flight activated, Dark Pit flew off, Pit still shocked. Everyone sat in silence. Robin was the first to speak again.

"Ok. I think that's enough people on Recon. We need everyone else on Strike."

"Looks like we got everything done in time. They're at the edge of the city now." Snake pointed out.

"Alright everyone!" Roy called out. "Remember! For those we must protect, we cannot lose!"

"Failure is not an option!" Shulk called out.

Mario walked to the front of the group of fighters. Everyone looked out into the sunset, at the seemingly endless amounts of Master Hands, and at Galeem. Mario raised his hand sky, lighting it on fire.

"Everyone! Lets a go!" Mario called out, leading the charge. Everyone cheered behind him, following close.

Together, they charged into the battle, with only one goal on their minds.

To save not just the city, but the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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