JM # 03 - Let the Game Begin

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This is very wrong.

Lea reached her car and took a deep breath.  Her hands were very cold, the very reason why she didn't accept his offer for a handshake.

She was new to business while he is a veteran.  She knew he could read through her but still, she cannot let him win.

"Ano ba tong pinapasok ko?"  She asked herself.  She now thinks that accepting his invitation to meet is not the wisest decision to have.

If she was given a choice she wouldn't want to deal with business.  She was more into music but his father was strictly opposing it.  If it wasn't for her mother she wouldn't get to study music first before promising his father that she will also take up a business course right after.

She didn't know that his father's business will make it.  They were struggling at first because of few failed attempts.  She was even guilty of wishing her father to fail when she was younger.

"Let's just go home for now, manong."  She instructed the driver before opening her phone for some music.  It helps on keeping her calm.

Meanwhile Aga was already busy preparing for his back-up plan.

"I need you to look closely at Ms. Salonga.  I want you to report on me of her every move.  Where she spend her weekend, what she likes, everything that is related to her I need to know of that."  He ordered John.

"Why do you need such information Aga.  What were you planning to do?"  John inquired not knowing what his friend have in mind.

"I've made a fair offer John.  But it seems like both of them intends to make it harder for me.  So now if I need to play dirty, I'll do it."

"You mean to say?"  He stated as realization came in.

"Yes John.  If I can't get the company through business deals.  I guess I'll need to have a personal touch on it."

He chuckled, feeling excited about what's coming up.  "I'll find someone who could help us then."

"Good."  Aga said and leaned on his chair.

It was after a week and Lea hasn't heard from Mr. Muhlach again.  Now she started to think that her father makes a wrong assessment of the man.

Lea didn't know anything about him aside from what her father told her.  But based on her own research, he seems to have a clean record for himself as all articles she finds all speaks of his achievements at a very young age.  He isn't like the young heirs of his age who waste their time on parties and girls.  No matter how hard she tried to look for fault in the man, she just couldn't find any.

She decided to close the browser and focus on her current task.  Heaving a sigh she took out the remaining questionnaires that she still needed to give away.  She stared at it for a moment, she only knew few people in the business and she didn't want to use her dad's connections which makes it harder for her to get her questionnaires fully done.

Lea is now in the last semester of her business course and after the thesis she will finally face the path she didn't choose to walk on.

"Can I share a seat?"  A man asked.

"Sure."  Lea answered without looking but when she did, she regret agreeing so.  "What are you doing here?!"

"Ms. Salonga?"  Aga tried to sound surprised.  "I didn't know it was you."

She hissed.  "Really?  Now you know that it's me,  could you please transfer?"

Aga looked around then back at Lea.  "The seats are all taken.  I'm just sharing a seat.  I mean no harm."  Aga acted innocently.

She too looked around and was pissed.  "Fine.  Have this table, I'm about to go anyway."  She stated and arranged her things.

Aga took notice of the questionnaires and got one for himself.  "You're still studying?"

"That's none of your concern.  Akin na nga yan!"  She snatched the paper from Aga.

"I can help you distribute those."  He offered.

"I didn't ask for help.  So if you'll excuse me."  Lea stood up, ready to go but Aga held her forearm.

"I want to."  He got one copy of the paper and took out his phone to call John.

Lea tried to get the papers back but Aga was firmly holding her in place.

"John, I'll be sending you a document.  I need you to make copies of it and ask our employees to answer it.  Make copies for other companies as well and tell them the order was from me."  Aga released Lea from his hold only after ending the call.

Lea was annoyed at the sudden intrusion.  "I'm not asking for help so don't waste your time."

"I'm helping myself.  I only want a fair competition Ms. Salonga.  The earlier you're done with all this, the sooner we can start."

"I'm not selling the Company."  Lea spat furiously.

Aga raised his hands as if in surrender.  "I'm not telling you are."

Lea heaved a sigh before trying to speak calmly.  "Well you sound like it."

"Think whatever you want."  He said before grabbing her phone.

He typed his number and pressed the call button.  His phone rang and he ended the call.

"I'll call you when the questionnaire is done."

Lea grabbed her phone back and glared at him.

"Are you done?"  She asked irritated.

When Aga nodded she stormed her way outside

Irritated is an understatement.  Lea wanted to kill Aga with her own hands.

Over the entire week, Lea sees Aga in almost all occasion she's been to.  She isn't stupid not to know that the man is up to nothing good.  Just the other day, he has called her to say that the questionnaires were all done.  She refused to accept it but within the same day, all the papers were sent to her father's office.

She couldn't take his antics any longer so she called him to ask for them to meet.  But Aga refused saying he's busy at the moment.  Lea knows he's just making an excuse so she volunteered to go to him instead.

Aga gave an address of a hotel and she scoffed at it.  But so what if he's busy doing something strange? She didn't care.  All she wanted to do is to make things clear that whatever he's doing will not merit for her to change her mind.

Lea went straight to the reception and gave Aga's details.  She was expected to arrive and was immediately brought to a function room.

The hotel staff opened the door for her and she was faced with glitter and cute decorations; it's far from the wild setting she expected to come into.

"Mr. Muhlach is near the stage po." The staff stated and pointed at Aga's direction.

Lea looked around and hesitated to walk to him.  He's at a kids party?  What was she thinking?

Aga found her walking towards him and he smiled.  He stood up to meet her halfway when he saw Lea came to stop when the charity's head administrator approached her.

He heard them exchanging greetings and he smirked to himself.

Their plan is rolling very well.


@Hailey_WritesMore (12.31.2018)


I made my first publish on January 1st of this year and I can remember my excitement as I write this story down.  Seems like my update is on a half-year basis but let me make it up to you by writing as much as I can this time.

Happy year-end to everyone!  Thanks for being part of my 2018.  It's still raining so keep safe while we celebrate meeting the new year! :)

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