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read author's note @ the end PLS !!!
It started on a weekend in May.


It was the third of May, the first Saturday of the month. Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, and Luke Hemmings were sitting poolside in the sweltering Arizona heat.

"Is it even legal for it to be this hot? Like, I don't even think it's officially summer yet and it's over 100 degrees," Calum whined. He slid his tank top over his sunburned shoulders and sunk into the sparkling salt water pool.

"Calum, shut up. You know it'll get a hell of a lot hotter when school ends so quit complaining," Michael snapped, rolling his eyes and doing a cannonball into the water. Luke and Ashton soon followed suit, as usual. Michael was known as the leader of their rebellious group at school.

This group consisted of the four boys and two girls; Rachel Evans and Hayley Peterson. When they weren't cutting class, the sextet was known for their infamous prank pulling at the end of every year. Freshman year, they replaced all the dead frogs in the biology lab with live ones. To say the rest of the underclassmen freaked out would be an understatement.

Sophomore year, they switched the confetti at the end of school formal with bright red paint. Some claimed they took the idea from that movie Carrie, but Michael argued that it was clearly paint and not pig's blood. (Michael loved arguing.) No one commented on it again after that.

Junior year, they spray painted the principal's car windows black when she fell asleep in her car before school. They would have done something a little more exciting, but Miss Watercress threatened to expel all of them, and that was the last thing they needed on their plates.

So it was understandable that after all of those brilliant pranks, the gang was at a loss for an amazing stunt to pull this year. It was their last hoo-rah at this school considering they were seniors now. This prank had to be their best yet.

"Holy shit," Ashton gasped, surprising everyone and coming up for air abruptly. The other boys looked at him expectantly.

"Call up the girls. I just figured out what our prank is gonna be this year," he stated, curling his lip into a sinister smirk.

if you've been reading this from the beginning you probs know thishas been posted before but dont wORRY im just redoing the sixteen chapters i had written and posting them after they have been moderated bc they werent that good but more ppl are reading this now so hEy how r u??? my names autumn you have a nice butt

also im not casting any celebs for my characters bc my characters are based on REAL PEOPLE from ig so if you wanna get in on that hmu on instagram @starcrossedcal

if you guys comment and vote on this then ill post the first redone chapter TONIGHT

also let me know if youd be willing to make me a cover bc this one S U CK s !?2!1!@

dont forget to wash behind ur ears

xo autumn

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