Ch. Three

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"Katy. Katy. Katy. Katy look at me, Katy," Grayson called and poked my arm. I grinded my teeth but refused to pay attention. I was mad enough as it was.

"Come on, Katy, I already apologised to you once isn't that enough," he groaned.

"Hey! You two, no talking," Mr Davis said without looking up.

"No it is not enough Grayson," I hissed through my teeth. He was going to have to pay for this somehow.

*&* Earlier that day *&*

"Morning class," Mr Luis snapped as he walked into the classroom. Already I could tell he was in a grumpy mood. He wore a scowl like he was born with it and was stomping around. Whenever Mr Luis was angry, he turned into a major a-hole.

Meet Major A-hole - I mean, Mr Luis. He's a crabby man in his late forties with grey hair in a combover and dull brown eyes. I think the reason he's always mad is because of how he dresses ( defintiely not because he has to work with kids eight hours for five days every week). He was wearing a pair of brown slacks and a blue plaid sweater vest. He had on brown church shoes and purple argyle knee socks. You could imagine the amount of teasery he recieved daily from the students.

"Did he get uglier," Grayson whispered as he slid into the seat beside me. I couldn't help the snicker but even though I didn't want to. That earned me a threatening glare from Mr Luis and a smug smirk from Grayson.

"Take out a book and read. I don't want to hear your voices at all,"  he snapped and plopped into his chair, rubbng his temples. Wow, he just got here and he already has a headache.

I took out my phone, yes we were allowed to use them as long as it was for reading purposes only, and opened Wattpad. I scrolled through my library and clicked on "The Bad Boy's Girl" by JessGirl93 and began to read. It was actually pretty good, and a lot better than half of the books that  have in my book shelf at home.

"Katy," Grayson whispered into my ear. I looked over to him irritatedly.

"What," I hissed quietly.

"I have nothing to read," he pouted.

"Tough nuts," I muttered and went back to reading.

"But Katy," he whined, a bit too loudly.

"Mr Michel," Mr Luis snapped. Grayson looked up and smiled innocently.

"Yes sir," he asked.

"Detention," Mr Luis said, and began to fill out that dreadful pink slip.

"But sir, I hardly see how this is fair, when Katy was talking as well," he defended. My head whipped over to him and I shot him a death glare. He smiled as if it was an accident that he had dragged me into this.

"Then detention for both of you," Mr Luis deemed and waved us up to get our slips of paper. When we were on our way back to our seats I jabbed my elbow into his ribs hard.

"I hate you," I hissed and sat down. The rest of the period I refused to speak to him.

*&* Back to Detention *&*

Yea, so he's the reason for my first ever detenton. Talking in class. I was for sure going to make him pay later on. Katy's never forget.

Soon enough the bell rang and we were let out for lunch. I walked briskly to my locker to grab my bag before walking up to the patio to find my friends.

"Hey, what took you so long," Lia asked when she spotted me. I waved at Mia, Jacob, Colton and Matthew before I sat down.

"The idiot got me into detention," I groaned and fell into the grass.

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