I love you

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I had woken up and made a decision. I wrapped the child in my shirt and helped the villagers up the ladder and we climbed into the igloo. "Lead me." I told them and they gave a nod as they walked out and walked forward. I began to fallow.

I smiled since at a village there would be much more to do and a better chance to have Hero and Steve find us.

I looked at the pale Ice blues this baby had. His skin was vary pale, and his hair was a grey black. I wasn't sure where these strange genes came from but each is there own, right?

I looked back up to see a village seemingly stop and look our way as we approached. They came over to me and handed over a robe and held the baby as I put it on. I held the baby as they led me to the blacksmith and I slightly unwrapped the baby since it was warm. They began trading with one another before some came up and handed over some food and milk. Two different meals for me and the baby. I thanked them and fed the baby first as I let it drink some milk and it seemed vary happy as it grabbed onto my arm and the clothing I gave it.

I was now being taken care of by an entire village as they seemed to bring what was needed and they had the natural maternal instincts.

I smiled as they let me rest near the lava that warmed my freezing yet steaming body. I was given a blanket and a pillow also.

The baby was being taken care of right in front of my eyes.

I smiled as I watched them bring over a cauldron and wash the baby as it cried and caught them. It was a He.

He got a new blanket and he was all cleaned. His voiced his disapproval with cries and fists throwing about as he lacked any strength. But I noticed something. You could see the veins. A bright blue like Herobrines's Powers. This kid would be seriously powerful. Sadly I believe it's mortal.
So if they can't give it respawn or make it immortal. Than Steve and Herobrine's child could die.

Maybe I could offer up my own immortality?

I think that would be a great gift.


I layed back against Herobrine as I watched the night sky. I was waiting for answers from the villagers. I was trying to not ruin There day in search of my baby but I was scared. I grabbed onto Herobrine and i just let him embrace me.

"Herobrine. Are you still mad at me?" I asked him.

"No.... I threw a tantrum. I'm sorry if I hurt you." He apologized to me.

"I ran off. I left you." I said as I shifted and rested my face in his neck. "And I... I love you..." I said softly. I wasn't sure what Herobrine's expression was but I just felt him curl around me, a smile on his lips as he kissed the top of my head, I smiled as my eyes were closed.
Now I could only pray everything goes right.

His big strong arms pulled me down as he laid back.
His breath going down my neck. He smiled as I left a small kiss on one of his hands.

((Sorry for the short chapter but it's coming to an end. Place your bets on who the baby is!))

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