Kicking Barbie's Ass

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Picture is Jackson

Angel P.O.V

There's an infestation in my mind's imagination,
I hope that they choke on smoke 'cause I'm smoking them out the basement,
This is not rap, this is not hip-hop,
Just another attempt to make the voices stop,
Rapping to prove nothing, just writing to say something,
'Cause I wasn't the only one who wasn't rushing to sayin' nothing,
This doesn't mean I lost my dream,
It's just right now I got a really crazy mind to clean.

With a groan I roll out of bed and turn up what is, in my opinion, one of the best songs ever. As I quietly sang along to Twenty One Pilots I pulled out my hair straightener and plugged it into the outlet next to my dresser. While I was waiting for the straightener to heat up I began applying my makeup, nothing extravagant just plain black eyeliner on my water line and mascara on my top lashes. Grabbing a black tank top with the words 'I'm proud to be a freak' in the the American Horror Story font I picked out a pair of white ripped shorts and my signature combat boots. After I was dressed I straightened my hair and plugged my earphones into my phone before sliding my phone in my back pocket.

Once I was ready I walked into Aidan's room to wake him up and to get him ready for school.

"Buddy, come on get up, you have to go to school." I said softly as I gently shook his shoulder.

"I don' fweel good, sissy." I wouldn't have believed him if I hadn't felt his forehead. He was definitely running a fever, a high one at that.

"Ok, buddy I will tell mom that you need to stay home. Just go back to sleep, love you."

"Wuv you too sissy."

As I was walking down the hallway I made sure to throw open everyone's doors to make sure they were getting ready to go to school, or work in Alec's case. I also made sure to inform my mom that Aidan was sick and shouldn't go to school. After everybody was up and ready we all got on our respective vehicles and drove off to our destinations.


As soon as we pulled into a parking spot, Barbie glared at us from her perch atop his lap. Miraculously she didn't do much besides that and smirk like she knew something. The only people to approach us were Jacquelyn, Chelsea, and Miranda.

"Hey Girls, we were wondering if you would like to hang out at our house after school?" Miranda asked ignoring the look she got from Michael after she called him a girl.

"Sure." We all chorused before we walked off with the girls to go to our first class.

All throughout my morning classes I was getting the evil eye from barbie and her minions while they were not so quietly talking crap about me. I wouldn't have cared if they didn't start insulting the people I care about, and if there is one thing that you should know about me its that you don't mess with the people I care about unless you have a death wish. So, naturally when lunch rolled around some serious crap went down.

As soon as we stepped foot into the lunch room Barbie sauntered up to me with the same smirk from this morning.

"Hey, Angel. I just wanted to ask how your dad is... oh wait, you don't have one, because he left your whore of a mother. Funny how you're just like her, huh? Trying to steal Demon from me, just shows that you are a just like your mom." She snickered loud enough for the people around us to hear. The sound of three trays dropping effectively silenced the rest of the cafeteria. First was my tray slipping from my hands as rage caused my hands to shake, then Maria and Michael threw theirs to the side to grab hold of my shoulders so I wouldn't lunge at her.

"Don't you dare speak about my mother that way." The threat in my voice was evident, if my shoulders weren't being held back I would've had her by her throat.

"Don't speak of her what way? I'm only telling the truth by saying that she is a whore."

"Say it again, I dare you." By now even Maria and Michael were shaking with rage, they viewed my mom as their second mother. She could insult us all she wanted we didn't care, but insulting our family was a whole different ballgame. Looking me dead in the eye she said the five worlds that sealed her fate.

"Your Mom is a whore." I lunged, punching her twice in the nose before she could comprehend what was happening. With blood gushing out of her nose she swung at me, she was surprisingly fast almost inhumanly so, but I was faster. Quickly dodging her right hook I swung my left leg up so my knee met her ribs with enough force to knock her down. As soon as she was on the floor I grabbed the front of her shirt and got in her face, "You can bad mouth and insult me, but if you ever insult the people I care about or bring up my father again, I will end you." I snarled as I raised my fist about to knock her out, when I felt arms wrap around my waist and tingles engulf my body filling me with a sudden calmness. Craning my neck to look over my shoulder I came face to face with none other than Demon. Just seeing his face brought my anger back full force, with a glare I yanked myself out of his hold which is when I noticed everyone staring at me with a variety of expressions ranging from awe, to fear, but mostly shock.

"Angel-" Demon started but was interrupted by none other then me.

"Don't." I snapped before storming out of the cafeteria glaring at everyone and everything, people were smart for once and steered clear of me. Not even bothering to stop by my locker I continued out the building not paying attention to where I was going. I may act like what happened didn't affect me, but in reality it broke me and made me who I am today. I used to be the girl that was always smiling, that went out of her way to make sure everyone was happy, I aspired to be a singer and only wore pink but after what happened I became the girl that always got into fights and basically got in trouble everywhere I went. I stopped caring and I still don't. As I was lost in thought I didn't realize that instead of going to the parking lot like I intended to, I ended up in the forest that surrounds the school and I was lost.

"Well this is just great." I mumbled while looking around trying to decipher which direction I came from. As I was about to walk off in a random direction I heard a twig snap behind me. I spun around only to come face to face with a giant black wolf.

"Hello there," I may be crazy for talking to a random wolf that could easily kill me but at the moment I couldn't care less," I'm guessing that this is your territory and I'm sorry for trespassing, so I'm just gonna walk away and hope I don't get anymore lost then I already am." As I was about to turn around and walk away the wolf whimpered as if the thought of me leaving hurt him, weird.

"Hey wolfie, do you know the way back to the school's parking lot?" Deciding against my basic instinct to run from the wild animal I stayed strangely calm. Even though, I wasn't expecting an answer I surprisingly got one when he nodded and started walking in the direction he came from, and me being my 'smart' self I followed him.

After about 10 minutes of taking multiple twists and turns, we finally arrived at the school.

"Thank you, wolfie," I said as I pet his head before kissing his muzzle and walking towards my car. When I got to my car I noticed that my book bag and phone were in the drivers seat, I definitely owed Maria and Michael one. Looking down I saw a note that read 'Don't worry about us, we'll get a ride home from the girls. Stay safe and expect a call from Miranda, she seemed really worried about you. Love, M&M.' Smiling slightly I pulled out of the parking space and started driving away, I looked in my rear view mirror only to see Demon standing where the wolf was in nothing but basket ball shorts. Shaking off my growing confusion about him, I focused back on the road.

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