Happy New Year, Baby

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I snuggled into the warmth of the couch, the kettle bubbling gently as I glanced through the doorway to the kitchen to spot Har humming 'Little things' as he popped a tea bag into our favourite mugs. Swaying a little as he added hot water and a drop of milk, dancing round the kitchen, completely obliviously. I chuckled, watching on as my dork of my husband finished the tea and turned towards the sitting area. He froze, realisation starting to dawn on him as I smirked at him from the depths of the fluffy blanket I'd wrapped myself in.

"T-Tea's ready Nialler" He stuttered, taking a deep breath and gave me a small smile as he handed me my large spotty mug.

"You were watching weren't you?" He grimaced

"You're such a dork, but I love you for it, you can dance to your hearts content my darling" He grinned, shuffling himself under the blanket and drawing me into his side, wrapping me up in his arms as I let my head rest on his chest, it rising and falling as his heartbeat fluttered, the sound echoing underneath me.

"What do you want to watch sweetie?" He muttered, gently kissing my head as he flicked through Netflix.

"I don't mind pet, what ever you want to watch, I picked the last one" His green eyes sparkled with glee as he hovered over his favourite Christmas movie. Love Actually.

"Har, its not Christmas anymore, you do realise that don't you?" I squealed as he dug his fingers into my sides, wriggling around as I tried to stop the tickling.

"Fine FINE STOP HAR STOP" I giggled as he finally released me, snuggling back into his arms as he started the movie.

"Love Actually can be for anytime of the year Nialler you know that"

"Only for you darling, only for you" I mumbled into his chest, my voice muffled by the fluff of the blanket as he shushed me.

Despite the fact that the Christmas tree still stood proudly by the bay window, it's gently flickering lights still twinkling brightly into the street, it was actually New years eve, 2019 creeping up on us minute by minute. And fuck it was going to be a busy year for us all.  The year was already planned out, days filled with meetings and recording and touring and promotion, it almost felt as if these few precious days of the Christmas break would be the last days we got to ourselves for a while now. Har and I both had our second albums ready for release, our record labels almost begging for us to give them what they wanted most, allowing them to give our music to the world. And we had tours planned, mine slightly later in the year than Har's but both of us finishing just before Christmas next year. Both tours were way shorter than we wanted them to be, but Jeff had reasoned with us, so that was that. With such a full year ahead, I pined for Har every moment of the day, I never wanted him to leave my side. Touring was so much fun, my favourite part of being an artist was playing my music up on stage in arenas, getting to spot the thousands of beaming grins as my fans get to watch me live. But the times when I wasn't playing, when I was alone in my hotel room or on my tour bus, were some of the loneliest times of my life. I had no Har to cuddle at night, to hold me close when I needed him most or to even kiss gently when I wanted to. His emerald eyes weren't there to ground me when things went tits up, his hands taking mine and his soft whispers telling me everything will be ok, all those things disappeared when we went on tour, alone and without the other one to keep us sane. The Flicker tour had been a fucking struggle and a half, and I had a feeling this time would break me even more.

"Ni, you alright? You drifted away for a minute baby" I awoke from my daze, my eyes darting back to the TV to see that secretary woman flirting with Alan Rickman.

"I'm fine babe" Har paused the movie, shifting so that he could look down at me without breaking his neck.

"I'm not sure you are sweetie, tell me what's got my Nialler so blue" He raised his eyebrows, his gaze filled with concern as he gently stroked my arm underneath the blanket.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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