'Tis The Season To Fall In Love (part 2)

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I wake to the ear numbing sound of the alarm going off on my phone. Uhg why did I set an alarm it's Saturday!!! Oh yes it IS Saturday which means I'm going out with Shuichi today! So that's why I set my alarm. I mentally face palm out of my shear stupidity.

I should probably get ready I don't want to look a mess for my first date... well ever.

I hop in the shower and cover my hair in shampoo but since today is a special occasion I use my super fancy cherry blossom scented shampoo. I've got to smell extra nice today because you never know what might happen. A light blush powders itself over my cheeks as I fantasise about possible out comes of this date. W-wait I shouldn't be thinking about that sort of stuff!

I step out of the shower and dry my body, then my hair with a hair dryer. I fling open the doors of my miniature pastel pink and white wardrobe and start filing through the clothing inside. Hmmm what to wear... nothing formal... but nothing overly casual, I don't want Shuichi to think that I didn't make an effort. I opt for a white blouse tied at the collar with a pink ribbon and a long pink pleated skirt that goes down just below my knees. To be honest I don't really have what you would classify as 'casual' clothes I've just never been a particularly laid back person when it came to fashion.

Once fully dressed I look in the mirror apply a small amount of makeup. Just a bit of lip gloss and some blush should do. I also cover myself in a few sprays of perfume just for good measure. When I'm all finished up I admire my handiwork in the mirror. Hopefully Shuichi will be impressed.

I skip down the stairs into the kitchen to be greeted by my twin sister Kanon and Grandmother. "Oh good morning Kaede dearie" My Grandmother chirps.
I give my Grandmother her usual morning hug and plonk myself on the chair next to Kanon at the table. "Ooohhh Kaede's looking nice today you got a hot date or something?" Kanon teases poking my arm to further her annoying accusation. But technically she isn't wrong.

A blush falls across my face and I punch Kanon's arm pouting as I do so. "Why are you being so nosy it doesn't matter to you!" My sister's jaw drops and my Grandmother turns away from the laundry she's tending to and claps her hands with glee. "Oh heavens Kaede YOU have a date!"
My sister chips in "Is he cute?! Does he have muscles?! Is he good at 'you know what'?! Does he have a brother or any friends you could hook me up with?!"

My face goes completely red and I abruptly stand up slamming my hands on the table screeching " STOP!! IDONTHAVEADATEORABOYFRIENDORANYTINGIVEGOTTAGONOWBYE!!!"
With that I run out of the kitchen and grab my bag that was left beside the door and bolt out of the house onto the street.

Finally I arrive at the bus. My knees are so weak from running the whole way I collapse on the bench under the bus stop shelter. I check the time on my phone 11:26 the bus gets here at 11:30 so I'm actually on time for once! Usually I end up missing it so things are already off to a good start!

The bus stops and I jump on. Shuichi and Kaito are already sitting at the back as they both live near to each other so caught the bus at the same stop. I greet them both and take a seat next to Shuichi. He's nervous, I can tell. But to be honest I am too, it IS our first date after all.
After a while though the three of us loosen up a little and just talk like friends usually wouldn't and discuss anything that comes to mind.

The bus comes to a halt near an orphanage. I never even noticed there was a bus stop here. I heard Maki was an orphan but I wasn't sure and I thought it would be rude to ask but I guess the rumours are true. Hmmm... maybe that's why she doesn't like people...

Maki climbs on and as she gets her ticket from the driver Kaito bounces around waving his arms in the air. "Maki Roll!! Heeeyyy Maki Roll! Back here!!!" Shuichi looks at me and we both giggle at Kaito's greeting to Maki.

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