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I sat in the park like usual, softly swinging on the swings, by myself. I stared at the children the ones who were here with either their Family or friends none of them were alone like usual, softly i swung my legs as the swing creaked with my every movement, i should just go home whats the point in coming here anyways,

Just as i was about to get up somebody sat down in the swing beside me making my head shoot over it was none other than a boy around my own age he seemed shy as his face was kinda pink "h-hi my name's Ryu you wanna be my friend?" he asked me the young boy had a head full of white hair and piercing blue eyes as he gave a shy smile that i couldn't help but smile back at"sure" i spoke softly not wanting to scare him off or anything" cool come on i want you to meet some people!" he said as he quickly grabbed my hand and began dragging me away much to my surprise as the swings were left behind in the distance swinging with great force. 

He brought me over to a group of boys who were playing in the sandbox happily with one another  their was a total of 3 other boys,"hey guys look i made a new friend!" he yelled out guess once you get by the shy demeanour he can be really out going"oo i wanna meet them" one boy shot up he had red hair and striking blue eyes as they stared into my own amber ones"hi there my names Kaito but you can call me kai for short!" he spoke loudly as he pointed to himself which made me take a step back at his confidence"stop it kai you'r scaring her you have to be more gentle!" another boy scolded he had midnight black hair and steel grey eyes to match" sorry about him my name's Itsuki it's a pleasure to meet you" he said and bowed politely so i bowed back to match his manners but then the other boy spoke up he had brown locks and unique gold looking eyes that resembled my own lively amber ones in a way "Tch this is to formal hey there my names Takashi you better remember it!" he spoke cockily as all i did was just nod at his response and they all seemed to wait for me to say something then i realized i hadn't introduced myself to them" my names....Akuma..." i said as the boys smiled and then we began to play and make creations of sand with one another in the sandbox that had to be one of the best days of my life up until the incident.


I happily hummed the entire way to school i was so excited to see the guys after summer break and to get away from home where Daddy was all the time now but that doesn't matter as long as i have my friends i'll be okay, i walked into school my long blond hair following behind me as i took in everything excitedly, i then ran into the halls as i saw the guys with some of the popular girls what were they doing together? i paid it no mind as i walked up to them "Hey guys!" i spoke but they just scoffed and walked away hmm weird maybe somethings wrong? i'll just ask them later because class is about to start, my small child mind had no idea what was about to happen 


It was lunch time now and i was heading to where me and the guys would usually sit at lunch but they weren't there usually their here early i wonder where they are? either way i sat down and opened up my lunch finding a piece of bread as i took it out happily and began eating it, After a few minutes the boys finally walked in but they weren't alone they were with all the popular kids in the 5th grade well i'm happy their making more friends! i expected them t come over once as they looked over but instead they turned away? okay something must be wrong with them whats happening? i was going to go over there and ask them but they seemed busy with their new friends so i just sat at the table alone with a twang in my heart, ill just ask them after school then 

Another timeskip

It was after school and i saw the boys coming up to me but again they weren't alone they were with the girls that wore makeup already and were really pretty but really mean either way i still gave them a smile "Hey guys!" i greeted them happily but found myself falling to the ground hard, i looked up surprised to find none other than Ryu pushed me, the sweet kind ryu had pushed me harshly to the ground"G-guys whats going on?" i asked somewhat scared of what was happening but all i heard was the girls snicker "We Don't want to be you're friends anymore" Spoke Kai with an unusual cold tone as he glared down at me and i heard a small part of me crack "W-what?" i asked hooping my ears were lying to me" What are you that stupid we hate you and we only used you so we could become friends with better people" spoke Itsuki as his once happy steel grey eyes glared down at me in hatred"He's right you're Nothing but a stupid, little crybaby who waste everyones time by being alive"Takashi spoke with a smirk as that was the moment my heart shattered and every bit of life that i had been holding on to had slipped away from my fingers

"let's go i think her stupidity is contaminating the area" Itsuki spoke as they all laughed and walked away as i was left 

I think my heart might be missingWhere stories live. Discover now