Chapter 2

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It was break tim now and i made my way to my locker to put away the book that i didn't need for the rest of the day, i looked down at my paper looking at the number of my locker which was number 873 i searched the numbers as i finally found it and walked up to it staring at it a little before doing the code on the lock and then opening it putting the stuff i didn't need in the locker on the top shelf which people normally put their books and it was the only shelf so i went on my tippy toes and pushed it back a little by my fingers i really hope i can get these out tomorrow without any trouble, once they were put away i closed the locker and locked it once more as i walked down the hallway ready to search for a spot that was nice and quiet where i could read or just sit until breaks over maybe study some more yeah that be good, on my way down a hallway i saw a crowd of people surrounding something but it was a group of girls instead of a mixed thing that's something i probably want to avoid, as i was passing by i looked over as my eyes came in contact with fiery Golden eyes i only knew one person with that eye colour and i'm guessing they all go here apparently such a waste of precious time, i quickly began walking away before he could see me but luck was not on my side today "Akuma!" i heard a deep voice yell as i began walking faster turning down another hallway but my short legs could only carry me so far before my hand was grabbed and i was swung around to face the tall boy i had grown to known as Takashi

he stared at me in shock just like Kaito did for a long period of time until he actually said something "it's actually you..." he muttered as  i looked at my hand that was still being held by him he seemed to notice and let go rubbing the back of his head nervously " Sorry about that but it's been so long i can't believe you're actually here in front of me!" he said with a happy smile on his face did he forget everything as well as Kaito why are they acting so nice to me now i don't trust it and honestly could care less as i looked at the tall boy with shaggy Brown hair and fierce gold eyes that no one else had when his exact words came back to mind ~He's right you're Nothing but a stupid, little crybaby who waste everyones time by being alive~i heard the younger version of him whisper in my ear as he seemed to stare at me"Oi Don't ignore me You should be honoured to be seeing me again!" he spoke pointing directly at him before i turned away and began walking which he seemed to notice as he stopped me, the hall seemed to empty out as nobody was around "Oi Why are you ignoring me you have no right!"he said as he cornered me against the wall and stared right into my eyes for the longest time before placing his hand on my cheek making me flinch a little "Why are they so dull?" he asked me as i quickly slapped his hand away from my face making him take a few steps back in shock but i just continued to stare at him blankly" alone" i spoke before walking away this time he didn't follow me and i went outside the school where i found a tree which had some shade, that should be a good spot to read i thought as i went ahead and sat down my back leaning against the tree trunk and i looked up taking everything before me in, there was a fancy water fountain and some benches along with a few other trees but this one had the most shade so yeah the grass was soft and cooling to the touch but instead of smiling at the beautiful scenery i just stared at it with my usual black face a long time ago i decided it was better not to feel at all than to feel anything and i guess i was right i no longer have any emotions of any sort not any regret sadness guilt happiness none but i wanted this so i'll just have to deal with it.

i pulled out a book from my bag and began reading in silence, i read and read and read until i heard the bell ring signalling i had to get to class so i got up and put my book away not forgetting to dust myself off and then grabbed my bag as i began making my way inside the building once again i think i have Studyhall now so i look down at my schedule and find that i'm right and begin to make my way over to that class, i make my way down the hallways as people seemed to stare at me in curiosity and i passed by one group of girls who just whispered and snickered as i passed by them well thats gonna be a problem i have a feeling i'll be seeing them sooner than i would like. 


It was lunch and i was making my way over to the cafeteria, i had a little money to buy some food hopefully it's not to expensive for me to purchase, i walked into the cafeteria as many students were already in here as i scanned the area until my eyes stopped on a group of people i wished to never see again there at a table sat Kaito,Takashi, Itsuki and ryu all together along with some other people who were happily chatting away i quickly looked over the menu finding the only thing i could actually afford was a juice box so that's what i did and then i made my way over to an empty table where nobody was sitting  this day just seems to go on forever!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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