Untitled Part 3

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i finished my first dance and the crowd cheered i got off stage and got ready for my next dance changing my costume I waited for the performer before me had finished till I got up onstage


I adored dancing to queen songs it gave me sooo much adrenaline my next performance was with one of the girls we had to pole dance


next one


and that was work done for me I went backstage changed out my clothes now I usually go home but I decided to stick around get people drinks I went to peoples tables asking if they needed a refill they either whistled or try to flirt with me I just chuckle and walk away I came to a table right at the back wait Is that oh wow fucking Jesus lord fucking mercy my heart fell out of my ass

Freddie what can I get you? I asked willow stay calm he's not an alien

you you know who I am? He looked at me with an expression I couldn't understand

yes you and the band are my favourite I said honestly but keeping my cool

oh thank you darling

your welcome now what can I get you? He's so gorgeous and soft looking very vulnerable

I'll have a beer make that two roger is coming

oh I see


it was rogers idea to come here

what makes you think that?

you probably go to fancy clubs with gold wallpaper and champagne in fancy glasses this place is just filth

not really dear oh god imagine going anywhere with golden wallpaper inside I look down at the floor not really knowing what to say Freddie reached over the table lifting my chin to look at him

If it makes you feel any better I love filth and you were a star tonight all men drooling over you as you danced like a tiger seducing its prey Freddie let go of my chin and smiled

I should probably get the beer's

Body language Freddie mercury storyWhere stories live. Discover now