Chapter 3: Superhuman Durability

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Ahahaha fml I messed up the timeline a lil' in this book so if you see anything wrong or anything out of place please tell me!! It would be greatly appreciated.

Physical activity. Ugh.
I grunt, holding the unconscious man up with my arms around his really, really large waist.

Miles was tying his body to the punching bag that hung from the ceiling.

"Why am I the one holding him up?"

"Well, I don't really wanna touch someone I electrocuted and made crash into cars and the gravel on the ground."

"Oh yeah, speaking of which, how's he still okay after that?" I step back, letting go after Miles gives me a thumbs up.

"Good question. Hey, do you think I'll have that power?" Miles turns and asks cutely, his head tilted with a smile on his face.

"Maybe." I shrug with a grin.

"Hey, do you think he'll wake up?"


"Aw yeah I'm magic." I hi-five Miles, turning to see the man stir and open his eyes.

He looked absolutely horrible, with a bruised face and a black eye. I wondered if it hurt.
Maybe it does. Let's leave him to suffer.

The same thing happens again as he looks at Miles, his eyes widening in realization. "You're like me."

"I've got some questions." Miles replies, putting on a brave front and lowering his voice purposely as I chuckle quietly in the background.

The guy immediately grunts and struggles in his blinds, contorting his body in ways that looked as if though he was spasming.

After a short while, he gives up and lets out a defeated sigh, now having turned 180 degrees.

Miles pulls up most of his mask and edges closer.

"Why do you look like Peter Parker?" He asks.

The guy uses the tips of his SHOES and turns back around, facing the two of us.

"Because I am Peter Parker."

"Then why aren't you dead?" I speak up, my face colouring slightly as Miles shoots me a surprised glance.

I ignore him, wanting answers.

"And, why is your hair different? And why are you older? And why is y-your body.... a different shape?" Miles continues the questions, stepping closer and looking at the obvious belly fat that bulged out of the binds.

I had to stifle my laughter at that one. Miles grins at me and continues to regard our prisoner with a suspicious air.

"Pretty sure you just called me fat." Peter says, emphasizing the last word as Miles protests with a simple "no."

Now I was full on chuckling.

"Are you a ghost?"


"Are you a zombie."

"Stop it."

Miles walks beside Peter and the punching bag turns, frowning slightly as he interrogates him.

"Am I a zombie?" Miles looks at his hands with a slightly scared look.

"You're not even close." Peter says in an obviously done tone, looking away.

Narrowing my gaze, I notice Peter doing something with his hands.


"Are you from a parallel dimension? Where things are like this universe but different? And-and you're spiderman in that universe, but somehow travelled to this universe b-but you don't know how?" Miles asks, deep in thought as his eyebrows furrow.

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