Part 1 of 1

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Calum's P.O.V.

Hi. I'm Calum Hood. I'm 18 as well as my best friend Zayn Malik. He has a sister that I've had a crush on since I was 13. But she's 20. Her name is Merysa. She really far out of my league. She is also in our band 5 Seconds of Summer. She plays bass guitar as well as me.' Then there's Ashton, the drummer, and Michael, another guitarist. Were all from Australia. Right now were on tour in America. We just finished the VMA awards. I was gonna tell her I like her while we were there. But I'm too scared to. What she doesn't know is, most if the songs that I made up, are for her. No one else knows that either. I just wish their were easier ways to tell her my feelings without worrying how she's going to react. He might already know that I like her. Who the hell knows. Ashton used to have a crush on her. But he grew out of it. I think. Hopefully. I wanna write her a letter based on my feelings so in don't have to communicate with her through talking. But I don't want to remind her of high school again especially since we all dropped out. But mostly because I would never want her to think I'm immature. Ugh, I just wish love was easier.

Merysa: hey Calum. What's up?

Calum: just hanging out watching TV at the hotel as usual. What else do I have to do?

Merysa: I dunno. Have you made any songs recently?

Calum: No. Have you?

Merysa: I don't make the songs remember? That's you and Luke's job.

Calum: I knew that. pshh.

Merysa: Ya sure smart guy. What are we watching?

She hopped on the couch and grabbed some chips out of his bag. Calum had the urge to put his arm around her but couldn't. He didn't have the courage to do it.

Merysa: Me and Zayn's mum are flying to LA soon. Did you know about that?

Calum: Nope. Is your sister flying in too?

Merysa: She's in college. Remember captain obvious?

Calum: Oh yeah. Where's Zayn?

Merysa: With Michael and Ashton checking out LA.

Calum: Cool. We should do that too.

Merysa: Nah. I kinda just wanna relax today. I feel lazy. You can go if you want.

Calum: Are you sure?

Merysa: No don't worry about me. Just go with them.

Calum: I guess so. Bye.

Merysa: bye have a good time. I'll explore LA tomorrow.

Calum: Kay. Hey I wanted to ask you, what's your favorite song we made?

Merysa: I dunno. Probably good girls. Why.

Luke: Don't worry about it. Bye Again.

Merysa: Bye again.

Around 8:00 p.m. is when they all came home. They looked really tired.

Calum/Luke/Ashton/Michael/Zayn: Hey Merysa! Were home!

Merysa: Hey guys. These are the advantages of being the only girl in the band. I get to watch Spongebob all by myself! Yay!

Calum: Yeah. Your real lucky. On a totally unrelated note, LA was awesome!

Merysa: Cool. I can see Ashton won a teddybear. What'd you guys do, go to the carnival?

Ashton: The Fair actually, but yes. I won a Teddy bear. his name is Mr. Cuddles.

Ashton pulled back his teddy bear and made a pouty face like a little kid and knitted his eyebrows as if saying 'Dis my teddy bear, and you can't touch. ha ha.' The ha ha part came from when he stuck his tung out.

Merysa: Yup. That seems legit. Har Har.

Calum: Hey Merysa, I have something to tell you and ask you.

Merysa: what is it?

Calum: I like you. will you go out with me?

Merysa: Don't get me wrong, your cute and all, but I'm 2 years older than you. You sure you'd wanna date girl 2 years older than you? you probably deserve a girl much better than me. I mean come on, I'm Zayn's sister.

Calum,: you say that like its a bad thing.

Merysa: oh trust me, it is. Have you met Zayn?

Zayn: hey! its a good thing to be my sister.

Everyone looked at him as if to say 'really Zayn, is it really good to be related to you?'

Zayn: What?

Merysa: don't worry Zay, your still the best brother anyone could ever have.

Zayn rolled his eyes and smiled.

Calum: back to my question. Will you go out with me?

Merysa: I guess 2 years isn't that much distance isn't that much distance between age, so yah. sure.

Calum's P.O.V.

Yes!! I finally got her to be my girlfriend! I've been waiting for this moment for so long and its finally here. I'm so happy. This has truly been a great year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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