Camp Krumpus

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Gwen sneezed as she crawled out of bed, it was fucking freezing this time of year and she was back at her godforsaken excuse of a crappy job. Who the fuck sends kids off to camp during Christmas break? Let alone enough of the little brats that Camp Campbell had to remain open. So here she was out in the middle of fucking nowhere with half of the camps regulars. The snow had gotten so deep that the campers were now sleeping indoors rather than the outdoor tents the little shits normally where forced to use and to compensate Gwen's already small room even smaller with Nikki, Nerris and Ered present. Luckily the boys made room up in the mess hall attic, and hopefully Nikki and Neil wouldn't be here much longer as their now that Candy had roped Neil's father into a shotgun wedding in Vegas a few weeks ago, (barely two months after Parents Day) were just setting up their new house. Which would leave Max, Nurf, and Harrison for her and David to wrangle, as Ered could leave any time she wanted as her father's where nearly a 5-minute call away with two Glamper vans (one just for their precocious daughter so her dads could have some space). Groaning the 24-year-old woman dressed and tried to leave her room only to find wrapping paper blocking her way.

"What the.... I'm gonna kill....." the brunette face palmed as she snarled, her swearing waking the three genetical females sharing her bedroom.

"What time is it..." Ered asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes as Nerris yawned the small 'elfkin' had never been good with morning to the point Max actually willingly gave the magic kid coffee each morning.

"It's 7 go back to bed I just have to wake Quartermaster so we can have breakfast in an hour.... Once I fucking remove this paper."

"I'll do it." Nikki cheered.

Before the tiny aquamarine haired little girl threw herself through the paper rolling around and shredding bits with her hands and teeth always happy to perform some early morning destruction while Nerris flopped back into the blankets as Ered stole Gwen's comforter. The cool girl unable to stand subzero temperatures, Nikki after the destruction she darted back to blankets her teeth chattering as if the mint-haired girl had been frozen. Gwen tried not to glare from jealousy at the kids as she moved outdoors to wake their Quartermaster. Waking the Quartermaster was Gwen's least favorite tasks and one that alternated between the two councilors. Whoever woke first woke the Quartermaster then their co counselor before they moved to wake the campers. The little shits a lot easier to handle when there was the promise of food. Well, asides the other two people who Max prescribed coffee for, the sullen satan having moved the machine indoors and had been fully prepared to attack Neil so the budding scientists did not 'modify' the wondrous device. Max and Nerris along with Gwen herself didn't fare well without a large dose of caffeine, to the point David made absolute certain that they all had at least one cup of their 'icky but life-giving go-go juice' a line that had caused Max to lunge at David's with one of Nurf's knives but that event was almost three years ago and Max seemed to have fallen into apathy as if bored with everything, even his own clever stunts. After all how many Brats knew how to hotwire a bus? Or build a catapult attached a rube Goldberg machine from scratch unassisted? The boy was smarter than most adult and Gwen had to admit there were days she felt that IQ gap painfully as the midget worked his way around the camp as if it was his, a shame that it practically was.

"Oi, you still breathing," Gwen called banging on the door only for the old man to open the door thankfully dressed.

"Where's The Boy" the old man started squinting, far too used to David waking him early, the elderly man had woken and been waiting for the redhead

"Fuck if I know.... Look can you start cooking something warm for the campers it's too freaking cold for cereal."

Grumbling the disgusting excuse for an elderly woodsman and cook began trudging through the snow, it has temporarily stopped falling but they were almost snowed. Lake Lilac was completely frozen and only Camp Campbell kept its doors open. Harrison and Max both staying as their parents just never bothered to contact the camp to pick up their kids for the few short weeks left of winter holidays, Nurf whose child services caseworker stated was in between homes while an investigation took place (Nurf guessing that his latest foster house got busted for drugs). Nerris like Nikki and Neil would be picked up soon her mother first to state the part of the roof collapsed and then again to state her husband who had been driving to collect their child had called home as car broke down and got trapped in the snow and Ered who wanted to continue having Nerris & Nikki fawn over her while she taught Nurf how to play ice hockey.

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