The Tower

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It was a curious matter, this tower. Eras stumbled across it a few years back while looking for a new place to hide until his teacher gave up his never-ending attempts to drag him into class. It was not that he didn't want to learn, Eras often reasoned with himself, it was more that he found the doctor unreasonably intolerable. That was really his own fault, Eras decided. It was then that he wandered away from his father's mansion and found himself facing a tall tower. He remembers how wondrous it felt at the time and how warily he had approached it. There was nothing inside except a long, winding staircase and almost gave up on reaching the top several times. However, the tower was secluded and seemingly forgotten, plus there was no way that a reputed doctor of such "high status" would degrade himself by walking in here. That alone compelled Eras to keep climbing until he found a single door at the very top.

For the coming years, Eras continued to visit the tower. Today, as always, he climbed all the way to the top and went through the door. A short while later, he walked out again with a book in hand. He climbed down the stairs until he reached his spot; it was the only place the light reached in this tower. He sat down and immersed himself in the magical words written by strangers he admired. He had never cared much for books and reading, it was truthfully a disappointment to climb up the tower and be rewarded by the very thing he had run away from. At first, he kept returning to the tower because it was the one place he was never found but he quickly grew very bored and decided, against his better judgment, to take a look around.

The tower that was once his hideout has now become the one place where he can set his mind free and let it soar.

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