'This "YouTube" thing really is strange'

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Hey! I just got the imagination for a chapter, finally!
Of course i wont let any story forgotten (by me). For my lancer x reader, i'm quite having no imagination for it.

Into the story!

Autor's POV

A few hours after getting home, i (don't forget i'm your creator in the story too) showed you more about internet, starting with YouTube, i conviced you to subscribe to Pewdiepie, and it worked, fortunatly.

I also showed you one of my favorite youtubers, Flamingo, also called: Albert, MrFlimFlam, and i think that's it (i'm not adding Ellis Mohamed, sorry) she did'nt quite understand it at first, but still liked it.

After that i choosed to make her look at a undertale let's play live, full gameplay, so she can understand the AU's after.

A few hours later

That was a bit long.. But! Now i can show her AU's! I'll start with Underswap, Dreamtale, then Inktale, since she attacked the star sanses, i thought it could be good if she learned more about them and their AU.
I'm going to show her the bad sanses AU's after, then just some others that come to mind..

lil' tem skip to after the explanation of the star and bad sanses AU's and some others

"Alright, i hope i don't have to explain myself all over again"
"Don't worry, i got it, so there is others universe of this "game" Undertale, and one of them has two sanses who now are ennemies and they build their teams to fight each others, "Nightmare" being the bad one, has the more teammates and becomes more powerful when felling negative emotions, and Dream being the complete otherwise, is the good one, has the least teammates and becomes more powerful when felling positive emotions?"
"Yeah, and Dream ans Nightmare are brothers"
"Well that's alot to remember..."
"Yup, so, remember the meme thing i told you about?"
"Yeah why?"
"Wanna (sprite cranberry?) watch a compilation of them?"

She didn't get some of them but still laughed a bit. Im a good creator, showing my robot memes, yup im a good creator.

"Why is sans a meme?"
"Dunno ask the people who thought of it"
"Well it's almost night now, let's go sleep"
"Alright, Kana."
"Yeah it's my nickname for you."


Chapter 3, finished!
Well see you in chapter 4, i don't have anything to say right now.

Of course if any art were to appear it's not mine, exept if i say so, but i don't think there will be any of my art

~A Bad Machine~ Bad Sanses x Robot!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now