Imagine 6: Corbyn Besson

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About: Long distance relationship turns short distance.

Hehe 😜

j/n: job name

Lola's POV:

Corbyn and I were having a tough time with long distance. Well more like I was, I was starting to cry myself to sleep after we finish talking.

It has been 5 months since I saw him. It was a lot to handle for me. It was about 11 pm and Corbyn and I are talking.

"So I think you should get some sleep now. It's late there, isn't it?" Corbyn asks.

"Yeah. But I don't want to. I wanna talk to you." I say and pout like a baby.

"Babe. I'll see you soon don't worry. Now go to bed. I love you so much." He says.

"Bye. Love you too." I smile and hang up.

Everyday Corbyn says he'll see me soon but that never happens. Suddenly I get a call from my Mom.


"Hey sweetie. Sorry for the late call. Can you pack a suitcase of your clothes for two months. It's important."

"Umm ok." I reply, confused.

"Ok thank you. Bye honey love you. Just be ready in an hour." My mom says. I was still confused.

"Ok love you too mom bye." I end our conversation and hang up. Hmm strange.

"So I have to pack for two months. That's random." I mumble to myself.

I start to pack my suitcase and wait for something to happen.


After waiting about an hour, there was a knock on my apartment door.

I opened up the door, only to stand in shock. I felt frozen in my place as I locked eyes with Corbyn.

"Corbyn!" I scream and wrap my legs around him as he picks me up. I start crying tears of joy.

I look into his eyes and he says "I told you I'd see you soon." I smile and close the gap between our faces, locking our lips together.


After hugging and kissing a lot, I found out that my mom was gonna let me move to LA so I can pursue my job as a j/n. I packed for two months while my mom will send all my stuff over.

"I love you." I say to Corbyn as I look into his eyes deeply.

"I love you more than you know." He replies and kisses me with pure love, once again.

I was finally in the arms of the man I love.

Yes. I finally did an imagine. Yay go me! 😂

Hope you guys liked this one cause the next one is a cheating one with Jack!

Have a great day/night!

Byeeeeee 🤗

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