The Silver Mirror

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Once there was an evil queen of striking beauty. So enamored was she with her looks that she desired that no woman would be as beautiful as she. And so a decree was sent out that every girl that attained womanhood should be branded on the right side of her face. Failure to do so would mean death. And so it was that every woman was branded to appease the pride and vanity of the queen that ruled them.

Traveling through the kingdom was a sorceress who heard of the evil deeds of the beautiful queen. Determined to see the truth for herself, she left her homeland from far away.

Wherever she went, she was met with scarred faces with eyes downcast in submission and fear. The people did nothing to evoke the wrath of their queen.

And as the sorceress looked at the ugly scars that marred the faces of the innocent women whose external beauty had been robbed, a plan formed in her mind.


"Her Majesty the Queen," a guard announced, leading a woman along with a wheeled, covered object into the throne room of baroque, gaudy design. Twisted columns plated with gold led up the cavernous halls of the throne room. Crystal chandeliers hung from painted ceilings, casting the room in a golden glow. Their shimmering light landed on the elevated throne on which the gilded queen lounged. Like the room, the queen was also dressed in gaudy attire, her gown sewn with metallic thread that was expertly cut to her hourglass frame. The rubies decorating her bodice matched the jeweled crown that sat on her golden head. High up on her throne, her gown spilling down the marble steps, the queen looked down upon the humble and plain woman that approached her. Coolness radiated from her expressionless, perfect face, like a frigid winter trapping the earth in a white prison. She tipped her scepter as a sign for the woman to speak.

"Your most gracious majesty," the woman began, dropping into a curtsey. "Your beauty is famed throughout the seven kingdoms. I present to you a gift of my own making." And with a dramatic flutter of heavy fabric in motion, the covered object revealed to be a silver mirror. Intricate carvings laced the frame, twisting and turning into impossible filigree patterns of precious metal.

The queen, upon seeing the beautiful gift, stood with a start and descended from her mountainous throne, the sound of clicking heels and swishing fabric following her.

In hypnotic movement, she grazed her slender hand across the smooth surface of the mirror, brushing her beautiful reflection: A proud face with arched brows and sharp cheekbones highlighted her piercing, icy blue eyes. Her red lips curled into a smile. Then, moving her hand to the textured frame, she traced the patterns of the silver like a lovers caress. She was so entranced with the gift that she barely heard the woman continue her remarks.

"Majesty, this mirror is unlike any other: For while it can show one's outward appearance, it also has the ability to reveal the true beauty of a person." Seeing that the queen paid her no heed, the woman turned and left without another word, disappearing into the night.

After much time dedicated to her vanity, the queen ordered for the exquisite mirror to be placed in her bedchamber. And although it would only take a moment, she dreaded to be parted from her reflection that was encased in carved silver.

Later that night as the queen made ready for bed, she brushed her golden hair in front of her precious, silver mirror. However, her entranced gaze stopped short as her reflection began to ripple. To her horror, a brand mark appeared on the right side of her face that caused a burning sensation as if flames had licked across her cheek.

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