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Because Changkyun is fire and rebellion, he is lofty ideals and big declarations. He came into Jooheon's life like a hurricane, loud and powerful and all-consuming and he let himself be swept up in it, he welcomed the storm with his arms wide open. And it was good, so good, and Jooheon would not take back a single second of it. In the two months that they had together, he had learned more about himself than ever before, and that perspective helped him more than he knew how to put into words.

His heart breaks when Changkyun leaves, he cries for months afterwards and surrounds himself in cigarettes and being the pretty boy online again and maybe booze if he's feeling really down. He finds himself girls to be with and it's nice but it's not the same. They try and keep in contact, but South Korea and America are too very far away places and communication is difficult and cumbersome. The calls become less and less frequent, and before too long- stop altogether.

And like all first loves, it hurts like a bitch. Like hell. Like he doesn't think he'll ever find anyone ever again. Because Changkyun and Jooheon were two very different people, but they still loved each other. And hindsight doesn't become clear until the pain fades away.

So he walks alone and sometimes sees Changkyun's grandparents walking the dog and feels a deep pain in his heart that eventually becomes a pull that eventually becomes a twinge that eventually becomes nothing at all. The leaves change and the snow falls and what was once love becomes a deep and fond nostalgia. Like all things, the storm leaves and the world keeps on turning. Time heals most wounds, that's another lesson Jooheon learned.

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